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<> Amnesia <>

I nervously rang the doorbell of the Hemmings house.

What if they don't like me?
What if they judge me?
Has Luke told them I'm mute?
Why does he want me to meet them?
Maybe i shouldn't of come..

"Hey!" Luke chirped opening the door making my jump

I waved and smiled shyly

"Come in" he welcome

I nodded entering the house fiddling with the hem of my top nervously, it's a habit

"Don't be nervous" Luke whispered throwing his arm over my shoulder

I nodded as he led me into the living room

"Amnesia, this is Grace, Grace this is Amnesia" Luke introduced me to his 3 maybe 4 year old sister

She had blonde hair and blue eyes like Luke and was very pretty

"Hi, I'm Grace!! I'm thwee" she smiled showing off her teeth

I waved smiling

"How old are you?" Grace asked grabbing my hand and sitting me on the sofa

I held up 10 fingers then 7

"107?" She gasped

I giggled and shuck my head no

"10?" She asked

"Same as Luke" I type

"17" Luke added

Grace nodded giggling

"You're very pretty" Grace smiling sitting down on my lap

"Thank you" i blush

"Luke was right, he talks about you a lot" Grace giggled

"I do not!" Luke snorted

"He does" grace whispered to me

I felt my cheeks glowing red

"You're a tomato" grace giggled ticking her legs

I laughed at her and nodded

"Do you talk?" Grace asked

I shuck my head no

"Why?" She asked puzzled

"I'm different" I type

"Why does your phone talk?" She asked

I giggled

"It says what I want it to. Look, hello grace!" I smile

"Ooh! That's cool, can I have a go?" She giggled

I passed her my phone and she pressed random letters then pressed talk

"Dkaowncowkv" my phone spoke

Grace giggled throwing her head back.

It was adorable

"I like you Amnewa" Grace said

She couldn't say my name right

"Call me Amine, it's easier to say" I chuckle

"Amie" she said

"Amine" I say again

"Amie" she said again

Luke laughed

"Ok, amie it is" I shrug

"Dinner!" I'm guessing Luke's dad called

Grace and Luke jumped up and I followed shortly after, grace grabbed my hand and lead me to the food

"You're hand is big, not as big as Luke's his is like HUGE!" Grace rambled on as she skipped go the table

I listened and smiled at what she alas

I love little kids, they make me happy

"Ah! You must be Amnesia?" Luke's dad asked as I sat down across from Luke and next to grace

I nodded and smiled

"Nice to meet you" he smiled

"And you" i smile back

"Luke's told us a lot" he smirked

I glanced at Luke who was bought red. He saw me looking so I glanced Down at the table blushing

Why I'm a acting like this?

The dinner was pretty quite, the odd conversation here and there

After dinner grace wants me to play with her so I did

"This is for you" she smiled handing me a picture

"Thank you!" I beam looking at the picture

It was her, another girl and a boy that looked like Luke so I guessed it was

"It's me, you and Luke!" Grace giggled

"Do you like it?" She asked worried

"I love it, thank you Grace." I grin

"Good" she giggled

Just then Luke entered the room

"Hi" he smiled

I waved

"Amie?" Grace asked

To start with I didn't reply because I'm not used to being called that

I nodded

"Come here" she giggled

I moved closer and grace leaned in to my ear whispering to me

<> Luke <>

I watched as Grace whispered in Amnesia's ear. I saw Amnesia's eyes widen and her giggle, her giggle turned into a proper laugh.

"So?.." Grace asked

Amnesia nodded blushing slightly, grace squealed causing her to laugh


"Thanks for having me" amnesia smiled

"It's fine, thanks for coming" I smile back

"Cya tomorrow" she waved walking away

"Wait!" I call

She turned around and nodded

"What did Grace tell you?" I ask nervously

"Nothing" she shrugged

"You sure?" I ask

She nodded but I couldn't see a small smirk appearing on her lips

She then waved once more and ran off letting out a small giggle as she did

This girl.. Dam.


What does Luke mean? 😏

Short ish chapter

Thanks for reading


- Lyd😈

Mute - L.H {5sos}Where stories live. Discover now