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<> Amnesia <>

I felt my whole body tense at the sound of his voice

Ben Wild was his name

The devil, in other words.

"So when did you come back to town?" Ben asked leaning on the table

"Never left" I lie

"Don't lie Amnesia, we all know you left when you were 15" he snickered

"Stop" I demand

"Standing up for yourself, that's a first" Ben grinned

"I think you should go" Luke told him

"I'm good buddy, who are you?" Ben asks Luke

"Luke" he answered

"My boyfriend" I add quickly

"Really?" Ben smirked

"Wouldn't your dad love to hear that?" Ben chuckled

I felt sick. My hands were starting to shake

"Still a little baby I see" Ben pointed at my hands

"Leave her alone" Luke argued

"I ran into Daddy Lewis earlier" Ben said ignoring Luke

"He asked about you" he added

I looked at him shocked with a 'really?' Look on my face

"He asked if you were still a weak, slurry, piece of crap. And I said yes" Ben snickered

"Luke lets go" I say standing up before I break down

"Nice seeing you again Amnesia, I'll run by your house some time" he smirked smacking my ass

"Don't touch her" Luke hissed pushing him

I grabbed liked hand intertwining our fingers (so it actually looked like we were dating) and ran off

Once we were out the mall Luke stopped running and pulled me back

"Who was that?" He yelled


"Who the fuck is he?"

"I don't want to talk about it.. Can we just go home?" I beg

"Not until you tell me who he is!" Luke said stubbly

"Luke, please" I beg tears in my eyes

"Amnesia you can't just let that happen and no tell me what he meant" Luke sighed

I felt a warm liquid trickle down my cheek


"Amine.. I-I didn't mean to upset you.. I-I'm s-sorry" Luke stuttered not knowing what to do

I shuck my head

"C'mon I'll take you home" he mumbled and I nodded


The car ride was silent the whole way

"Bye.." Luke smiled

I waved and jumped quickly out the car running into the house slamming the door shut

"Amnesia!" My mum yelled

Before I could reply she was standing in front of me

"Amine, what's wrong?" She asked seeing I had tears rollin down my face

I shuck my head and pushed passed her going straight to my room

"Dads back" mum whispered as I got to the top of the stairs

I froze

Taking a deep breath I carried in walking to my room.

I wanted so badly to just break down and let everything out but I couldn't.

I locked my bedroom door and let the tears stream down my face.

"Amnesia?" My mum called knocking on my door

I didn't reply obviously

"Luke's on the phone" she said

"I don't want to talk" I type

"He's worried"

"I'm fine."

"He really wants to talk-"

"GO AWAY!!" I say turning the volume of my phone up all the way and changing the voice setting to yell

"She doesn't really want to talk right now.. I'm sorry" I heard my mum say

I sighed deeply.

Just when I felt like I was becoming happy again and that maybe I could try and talk again.. It gets recked.

If Ben hadn't come everything would have been good. And him to mention by dad! The nerve of that boy I swear!

I'm so done.

I'm done.

Really Short chapter 🙊

Hope you liked it anyway..

- Lydia 🌻

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