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Chapter dedicated to: BVB_ARMY_FOR_LIFE123 💗

<> Amnesia <>

It been a couple of days since Luke and I's 'fight' and we still haven spoken.

Every time I talk to another boy, especially Calum, he looks really sad.. I think I'm going to have to talk to him..

I walked down the hall looking for the lanky blonde kid, easily I spotted him thanks to his height

"Luke" I called out but he doesn't turn around

"Luke!" I call again a little louder

No reply

"For god sake!" I mutter

"Lucas!" I yell

No reply



Luke turned around slowly with a red face.


"Y-yeah" he stuttered looking at me shyly

I stood there no quite sure what I was going to say... I hadn't thought of that bit

"Ugh..." I scratch my neck awkwardly

Luke sighed

"I-I'm.. Really, ugh, s-sorry" he managed to say

I smiled, "it's okay"

"Really?" Luke said surprised

I nodded "I don't like falling out with you"

Luke blushed deeply causing me to giggle

"So.. How've you been?" He asked awkwardly

"Luke." I roll my eyes

"Amnesia" he replied

"Just kiss me already" I smirk

Luke bit his lip before leaning down and connecting out lips

"Will.. Will.. Y-you go on a date w-with m-me?" He nervously asked

"I'd love to French fry" I giggle pressing my lips against his once more

Got my boy back.


"Calum" I sang entering the lunch hall

"Amnesia" he sang back high 5-ing me

"What do I wear on a date, with Luke?" I blush

"Ugh.. Clothes?" Cal replied

"Wow. Helpful" I roll my eyes sarcastically

"Where are you going?" He asked

"Ugh, I don't know" I shrug

"Surprise" Luke answered suddenly making me jump

"So.. What do I wear?" I question

"Anything, but a dress" Luke smiled kissing my cheek

I nodded and blusher deeply

Ugh! What is he doing to me?

Once lunch was over, I only had one more lesson but decided to skip and go get ready

"I'll pick you up at 6" Luke Said

"Perfect. Bye babe" I smile kissing him before dashing off

"Bye!" He called as I ran

I sprinted home which was easy because I'm a running. It has its advantages.

"Hi mum. Bye mum" I say entering the house before running up to my room

"Why are you h-"

"Date!" I call slamming my door shut

I stripped from my clothes and got in the shower making sure to shave and wash extra well. (Lol)


After my shower, I put on a white rope and picked a cute outfit

{ picture at the top }

Once I was changed, I applied BB cream, concealer, mascara, eyeliner and lip balm. Done!

I sprayed on perfume before slipping downstairs for some food

The time was 5:40pm so Luke still had 20 minutes

"Date with Luke?" Mum smirked

I nodded blushing

"You're so cute" she smiled

"We're not even together" I roll my eyes

I wish we were though.

Suddenly I got a message

From Luke👀💗

The first place we meet, come there. - Luke xx

To Luke👀💗

School?? - Amnesia xx

From Luke👀💗

Yep ;-) - Luke xx

"Got to go mum, see you soon" I beam running out the kitchen and out the house

I got into my car and drove to school with all kinds of emotions flooding inside me.

When I arrived I noticed school was locked up but the field so I walked onto it sitting on one of the benches

To Luke👀💗

On bench on field :-) - Amie xx

I sat on the bench admiring the view for a while until I got bored and checked the time


I looked around to see no sight of Luke. He's probably on his way..


5 hours. I waited 5 hours and Luke didn't show!

I'd texted him 29 times and called 10 each time no answer.

I can't believe Luke stood me up..

I whipped the tears from my face and trudged back to the car but I didn't go home.. I was too embarrassed. Instead I drove to the closest hotel

"Can I have a room for the week please?" I ask "I need time to recover"

Thank you for reading!

Sorry for not updating often.

Hope you enjoyed :-)

- Lyd👀

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