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🚨✋Warning: shitty and unedited chapter! 🚨✋

<> Amnesia <>

I stared at the ceiling fan watching it constantly spin around and around. I sighed loudly as i rubbed my temples, how am i meant to tell Luke Harry was flirting with me?

Ugh, this is so hard.

Soon i escaped into my deep mind, when ever i'm stressed i go into deep thought which probably isn't good seeing as that may lead to me going back to being mute....

"Babe?" A voice called

I shuck my head thinking it had been heard in my head

"Babe?" The voice called again

I suddenly felt a large hand on my shoulder making me jump and gasp. My first reaction was defense so i may or may not have slapped them..oops?

"Ouch! What the hell Amnesia!" Luke hissed

"Oh my god Luke, i'm so sorry" i whisper holding his cheeks

"Why'd you do that?" He huffed

"Sorry" i mumble ignoring his question

"Whatever" luke rolled his eyes

"We are going for dinner, it was harry's idea. You coming?" He asked

"Ugh, harry? I'm actually really tired so i'll stay thanks" i lie

"You sure?" Luke asked looking closely at me

"Yeh! You boys go have some fun, have a lads night. I'll be fine, swell, perfect-o" i say as happy as possible

"Are you feeling alright? You're acting a little weird.." Luke mumbled

"No! I'm fine! Now go have fun and i'll see you later" i smile pushing Luke out towards the door

"Amnesia" Luke sighed holding open the door i was trying to shut on him

"What! Luke just leave already for god sake!" I snap unintentionally

"Whoa, amnesia what the heck is wrong with you?!" Luke said sounding taken back

"Nothing, stop worrying i'm not a child" i snarl

"Babe-" luke starter but i cut him off

"Have a good night. I'm fine. Goodbye" i say quickly before slamming the door and locking it

As i did, Luke tried to get back ad the handle began jiggling

"Open the door!" Luke barked hitting it over and over

I closed my eyes and held my ears trying to ignore his yells and bangs, it was stressing me out even more!

"Luke what are you doing?" Harry's voice asked from behind the door

I froze to my spot.

Not Harry.

Fuck no!

"Amnesia has locked the door" Luke sighed

"Let me try" harry answered "i have a way with the ladies"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes

Cocky Bastard.

"Amnesia, hon, please open up! Luke is worried as i'm I" harry called

He sounds like my mum!

I don't reply but instead get the sofa chair and drag it up to the door and push it against it.

"Enjoy the night" i call before walking into the bathroom


Luke finally gave up and left with the boys, thankfully.

I've been in the shower for at least two hours just thinking.

My skin is like a prune and i'm sure there will be mo water left soon..

I feel so empty inside knowing that harry likes me and flirted with me but Luke doesn't know that.

Ugh. But i can't tell him. I can't.

What if it reck their friendship?

I can't do that, i must put luke's feelings before mine.

Its the right thing to do

Sorry this is a crappy chapter!!

I haven't proof read and i've done this chapter on my iPod 4 so it might have loads of spelling errors..

I've had my phone and Ipad taken off me which is why i haven't been on or updating!! 😂

I'll get them back tomorrow however so over the weekend i'll try and update this story at least twice an maybe my other story also!!

Thanks for reading 💗

Much love

~ Lydia ✔

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