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<> Amnesia <>

"Amnesia, look at me" he growled

I shuck my head keeping my eyes on the floor

"Look at me!" Ben yelled grabbing my head and forcefully lifting it up

My worried eyes locked with his angry green ones

"You're pathetic" he spat before slapping me

I let out a small whimper

"Shut up" he yelled pushing me off the chair

My head smashed against the hard floor causing me to feel dizzy instantly

His hard foot collided with my stomach multiple times as I yelped in pain

"No one loves you" he laughed punching me

Just then the door opened, I looked up slightly to see the figure of my father.

"D-dad" I splutter begging for help

He just stood there. Doing nothing. Watching. Then, he walked out closing the door. He left me. In pain. With Ben. He didn't care. He just proved he didn't.

"Ha! Point proven!" Ben snickered coming down to my level

"Now for some fun, I'll enjoy" he smirked

No. No. No.

With all my strength I began kicking and screaming, no way in hell was he getting in my pants! Fuck no!

"Stay still!" He hissed

"No!" I scream "help!"

*end of flashback*

"Amnesia! Amnesia!" A voice called worriedly over and over

I suddenly looked up tears rolling down my face to see I was sitting in the therapy room, Mrs Hood in front of me looking shocked.

"Amnesia are you okay?" A male voice asked

I turned my head to the left to see my dad!

My eyes widened, I couldn't move

"Amnesia? W-why are you looking at me like that?" He asked

"Amnesia? It's only-" Mrs.Hood started but I stopped her by holding up my hand

I rubbed my eyes furiously and looked back at my dad.

"Luke?" I mouth

"Yeah.. H-hey? Everything alright" he asked smiling assuringly

I slowly nodded before standing up walking over to the white board.

Why is Luke here?

"You asked him to come" Mrs.Hood answered

I don't remember

"I can go if you want me to.." Luke said quietly

I shuck my head no, "stay" I mouth

"O-okay" he said stuttering

"Why are you crying Amnesia?" Mrs asked

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and touched my face feeling the wet tears on my cheek

Memory, I write

"About what?" She asked crossing her legs

I stared at the board for a minute debating whether to say or not. After a good time I placed the pen on the board.


"Your dad?" Luke questioned

I nodded

"Anything else?" He asked

I gulped feeling my stomach twist and my hands begin to tremble

"Amine, you okay?" Mrs asked standing up quickly seeing I was staring to shake

Mrs.Hood's quick stand scared Luke as he stood up also walking over to me making sure I had some space at the same time

"You don't have to tell me" he assured

I nodded taking a deep breath

"Sorry" I mouth

"No. No, it's fine" Luke said

"Just breathe" Mrs told me

I started trying to calm my breathing when Luke said something

"Just forget the pain and just chill"

Them simple words, caused my breathing to become quick again

"Woah, shit, amnesia" Luke gasped grabbing my hand

I tightly gripped his hand as I felt my chest becoming tight.

Now was not a good time for a panic attack!!

"Just forget the pain and chill"

That's what Ben used to say.
Them exact words.

Just thinking about it made me feel sick and light headed

"Just chill" Luke repeated

I started shaking my head telling him 'no, stop'

"Luke I don't think she wants you to say that" Mrs.Hood said finally understanding

"Oh..sorry" he mumbled not knowing what to do

"Maybe you should h-help her" Luke said obviously feeling unable to help in this situation

"Good idea" she nodded

Luke went to step back but I refused to let go of his hand

"Amine, you need to let go so Mrs can help you" he chuckled nervously

I shuck my head holding his hand even tighter

"I think she wants you" Mrs said

"O-oh" Luke stuttered his cheeks becoming red

Mrs went to talk again but talking didn't help. It made it worse.

I dropped Luke's hand and covered my ears, my eyes were slammed shut and I was biting my lip extremely hard it started to bleed.

They got the fact I didn't want them to talk and they both just watched. After ten minutes I had calmed myself down just my body was shaking.

I stopped biting my lip and hesitantly took my hands away opening my eyes one at a time

The first thing I saw was Luke, smiling nervously at me.

"You alight?" He whispered

I nodded taking a deep breath

"I think it's best if you go home" Mrs told me

I shrugged

"I'll call your mum" she smiled walking away leaving Luke and I standing there

"That scared me" he mumbled


"It's okay, as long as your okay?"

"I'm okay"

"No your not" he sighed

"I'm fine"

"Don't lie"

"I'm not"

"You are!" He growled

"I want to help" he added

"I don't need any help."

"I'm not being mean but you do Amine" he sighed

"I don't need any help" I repeat

"Especially from you" I add feeling extremely angry

"You're mum is on her way" Mrs said coming back

I nodded picking up my bag and barged past Luke, purposely hitting his shoulder causing him to grunt in pain.

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