2: Switching Occupations

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36 BBY | Month 6, Day 17
Coruscant, Senate District

Senate Plaza, Gardens | 10:30
A dark casket lays in front of a medium sized crowd. Some of the Judicial Department showed up, several people from the Federal Security Forces showed up, and many Senators. They were all here to either mourn the loss of Nica Rosé Mitsov or simply keep an eye on the people.

One of them, Tan Divo a current sergeant in the Federal Security Forces. He stands by one of his officers keeping a chin up high mumbling about as people go in and out of sitting and approaching the casket.

Sera sits there, by her friend Delara. Just ten minutes before, there was a speech by Senator Palpatine that kind of shook the group. His farewell speeches among everything he normally says in the senate are from the heart.

This time it felt like Nica was speaking, like her words came out of his mouth.

Sera's family wasn't there. Nor was her mother's family, because of how expensive it can be to just leave their planet. Miss Madreth understood them though, Nica's family never went to the wedding either, which was good. They wouldn't get criticized by the Madreth household.

Saying goodbye to her mom wasn't something she wanted to do. Not now, not ever.

"Sera...?" Delara hesitates to place her hand on her friend who hates touch. "Do you want a hug?"

"...Not right now, Delara." Sera's voice is low. Soon, she rises from her seat, stepping forward to speak in front of the crowd. Senator Sheev Palpatine glances with a smile that fades as she turns to approach the podium. All eyes lay on her now, as they should.

"Hello. My name is Sera Lynn Madreth. Thank you all for being here today, to celebrate the life of a remarkable woman, my mother Nica Rosé Mitsov."

Eyes all around her begin to tear up, including Palpatine who stands behind her with a tissue in hand by Mas Amedda. Calliope and Kedas both hold each other, placing hands on Delara Ivel smiling through her few tears falling.

"—Mother knew what was best for the people. Not just here, where she raised me til now at the age of eighteen. But all across the galaxy. She taught all of us what it meant to have a good heart, and honestly... I–I cannot thank her enough for putting a smile on my face despite the many days she was not present. Thank you... mom, for being the best mother a daughter like me could have ever asked for."

Backing up momentarily, Sera reaches for the beskar staff on her belt, from behind.

"—Most of my life, school was difficult. To know my own father is not here today is heart breaking. Mother loved him more than anything in this galaxy, and his family cherished their efforts of Clan Reth a group of Mandalorians. I was given this staff on the day of my graduation... though I may not be one of the clan, I want to honor them as my mother would honor all of us."

The crowd watches her as she flings it out to full length, tapping the staff against the ground three times. Then raises it up to the sky to honor her family. Next thing she knew, Mas Amedda joins her doing the same to pay his respects.

He gives off a slight smile to her, to honor her family and lost loved one that meant a lot to many. Giving a simple nod to the blue Chagrian man, Sera shrinks her staff back to its original state.

It is nice to know he showed up in Chancellor Valorum's place to pay his respects.

Sera steps from the podium, immediately getting an applause from the crowd. She pauses, adjusting her glasses as she looks at the people in front of her.

People's faces around Sera are covered in tears, smiles and somber expressions. She nods her head once as Deej Stevens steps forward to her with Lio Partagaz at his side.

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