25: More Than One

465 35 151

35 BBY | Month 6, Day 28
Coruscant, Federal District

East train station | 11:45
The Federal District of Coruscant is bustling with activity as Detective Sera Madreth and SEO Matteo Shepard make their way through the crowded train station. The tension in the air is thick as they follow a lead on the bomber they had been trying to track for days. Lio had managed to uncover some vital information along with Diana and Jake. Foga Brill made his orders very clear to these two experienced individuals to find the target immediately.

Sera's eyes dart around, scanning the faces in the crowd behind her square shaped shades, her senses are on high alert. She grips the hilt of her blaster pistol, ready for any sign of trouble as she walks. Matteo, equally vigilant, his hand is also resting near the handle of his own weapon.

Sera's heart races in her chest as she tries to keep her composure in the tense environment. Her instincts are on high alert. Beside her, Matteo's jaw was set, his eyes sharp as he meticulously observes the passing faces.

They walk at the same pace, receiving some knowing glances from civilians who step out of their way.

"If I were this guy," Sera begins in a low voice. "I'd try hiding near the pick-up station where a group of people can blend in with me..."

Matteo nods, his gaze shifting from person to person. "Yeah, only problem is... We aren't sure what he is wearing right now."

As they continue their search, the station seems to close in around them, and Sera's anxiety grew slightly. Every moment feels like an eternity. Sera couldn't afford to lose this opportunity; they had to catch the bomber before anything else happens.

Suddenly, Sera's eyes catch onto a man who seemed to fit the description they had been given. He was fidgeting nervously, glancing around. She exchanges a quick glance with Matteo, who had also takes notice of the man.

"Go around," Matteo orders her. "I'll take the crowd."

But just as they are about to make their move, the man's eyes dart towards them, as if sensing their presence. Without hesitation, he turns and bolts, disappearing into the crowd.

"Dank Farrik!" Sera curses under her breath, taking off after the fleeing suspect.

Matteo follows close behind, the two of them weaving through the crowds of bewildered people. The chase is on, and the adrenaline surges through their veins. Sera's heart pounds in her chest as she pushes herself to keep up with the agile suspect.

They race through the narrow corridors of the station, the sound of their footsteps echoing in their ears. The suspect was fast, but Sera is determined not to let him get away.

Matteo's voice comes through her comlink. "I lost him, you see anything?"

"In pursuit, gate 345, meet me there," she voices hers.

"Copy, Detective."

Finally, she reaches an open platform, and Sera saw the man attempting to board a departing train. She sprints, her breaths coming in heavy gasps, and manages to grab hold of his sleeve just as the doors begin to close.

But with one powerful jerk, the man manages to break free of Sera's grip and disappears onto the train. She pounds on the closed doors in frustration, watching helplessly as the train pulled away.

"You almost had him too!" Matteo exclaims, panting heavily beside her.

Sera's frustration turns into determination, and she quickly reaches into her pocket, pulling out a scanning device. "Not so fast."

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