1: Her Memory

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WARNINGS: Past Events / Blood
36 BBY | Month 6, Day 16
Coruscant, CoCo Town

Miik Café | 10:31
Working in the Café, Sera is distracted. Her mind is set on what happened four days ago. Filling a mug with coffee, she turns to see a costumer awaiting their order.

They are just as lost. At least that is what their eyes read. It's an old man, probably lost a loved one just like her, having no one to talk to about it. Unfortunately, the comparison here is, she doesn't allow anyone. She just wants to suffer in silence, and it isn't her faut. Her parents sort of made her this way... Young Madreth lost her mother. Her boss, Keelil Lavo– she never told.

It was all over the news, she assumed everyone heard about it, none of her family coming around to say anything on the devastating news.

The Madreth side, they all went to war with each other, despite someone in the family being born into a group... becoming a Mandalorian under Clan Reth, that was someone she'd meet maybe in the near future.

Don Madreth didn't participate in his family's other life. He had all the money in the world because of it, but never really spoke of it to his own daughter. Her future is set differently from Clan Reth that had been formed in 200 BBY. In fact, she received that adjustable staff made of beskar upon graduating. From Don's father, assuming that a son was born, in fact was a just as capable daughter...

She never knew who sent it, just remembering the pain when Don smacked her with it on the night her mother passed away. Though just recently Ella Juni the wife of Don— the woman he cheated with on Nica, told Sera a few things of Clan Reth.

The Mitsov side held much loving promises. Her family was known to be great spokespeople, sharing clear and loud voices and putting such heart into what they convey. But being a Mitsov wasn't easy, in fact most of them were too poor to even live.

Nica Rosé Mitsov was lucky for meeting Don Madreth. At one point he actually did love her, despite the awful opinions of his mother, his dad had left him for returning to Clan Reth. But over the course of many years, Don fell out of love when his wife was pregnant with Sera.

Their daughter was the son that he never got. Following up with a miscarriage, these things ran into the family because of the poor health on the Mitsov side. Miscarriages ran in her family, Nica's mother and her mother's sister both had them. But they never gave up hope.

Sera approaches the table straight-faced. "Careful sir, this is hot."

"Thank you, darling," the elderly man rasps with a smile. She gives a simple nod, walking off.

Stepping back to the kitchen side of the shop, Sera notices Delara Ivel stepping in to greet her with Rena and Jan Dodonna following closely behind.

"Welcome to Miik Café, how may I serve you?" Madreth deadpans, looking down at her shoe noticing a small hole forming. For blasts sake...

"I would like a seat with Miss Madreth at the lounging area. We want to talk to her," Ivel smiles slightly, hoping she'd say yes.

Sera gazes at Delara for a moment, shifting her eyes to Jan getting smacked by Rena for touching her bag. She raises a thumb, approving the idea with an exhale.

Turning to the café owner she speaks with a blank expression. "I am needed for a conversation."

"Don't worry, take your time Sera!"


At the table Jan is drinking up his Frappe, enjoying the whipped cream on top. Rena seated beside him has disgust simply looking at him and his drink mustache.

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