30: Return Of Zek

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35 BBY | Month 12, Day 25
Coruscant, Fae Housing District

Ivel and Rampart's residence | 09:00
It has been three months since their relationship began, Sera and Maul have been quietly dating, keeping their romance hidden from most people. Sera has respected Maul's desire to keep his true identity a secret, so she referred to him as Seris whenever they were around others.

Their relationship is rather confusing, with Maul's emotions shifting like rough tides, unsure how to navigate love and his dark side. Sera understands that he needs time and space to process everything even after his confession. So, she patiently waits, giving Maul that time he needs to grapple with the darkness that still clings to him. But her patience isn't something willing to last.

They hadn't progressed much beyond that kiss she bestowed first at the hospital, but every little interaction had been filled with unspoken emotions of love. Sera hopes for Maul to do something, to make a move in return as she did.

Maul's master remains unaware of the relationship, and Maul tends to keep it that way, knowing the consequences if his master were to find out.

In the midst of their not so growing romance, Sera had plans to go over to Tayla and Jake's place to go to a party for the Christmas celebration. But her plans were interrupted when she received an urgent message. Her friend Delara has suffered a miscarriage of the first pregnancy, a heartbreaking loss that shatters the holiday joy on this day.

Sera, without ANY hesitation, rushed to Delara's house, ignoring all work and self-plans for the holiday.

But here she is now, with Eedy Karn and Rena Dodonna. Edmon, Delara's emotional husband at this time, has been visibly upset, struggling to come to terms with the loss they had just experienced. He stands in the kitchen, his head sunken past his shoulders, his eyes shut in disbelief and sadness.

Sera approaches Edmon Rampart, her own heart heavy with sorrow at the sight of him as Rena is over by the couch holding the tearful Delara Ivel.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Edmon," Sera says gently, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "This is so unexpected..."

Edmon's eyes are filled with sadness as he looks at Sera. "It's... it's just so hard... Especially during this time of year. We were supposed to have a little girl, Sera..."

Sera nods, somewhat understanding his pain as she lets out a breath. "Loss is never easy, Edmon, I know. But don't forget who you are to your wife... Delara needs you right now, and we are here to support you both."

Edmon sighs, processing the detective's words for a moment. "Always the inspirational speaker... Thank you."

Sera offers a small smile, squeezing his shoulder gently. "Mother raised me right."


Sera has sat by Delara's side for hours, offering comfort and support as her friend grieves the loss of the baby girl. Sera holds her close, quietly listening to her friend.

"I still cannot believe this has happened..." Delara lets out a sigh, another tear falling from her face. "Why did this have to happen...? It was going so well..."

The detective sighs, wiping the tear from Ivel's face. "I wish I knew, Delara... to be a mother can be suffering, especially becoming one... But you have me. You have the girls, and your husband."

Edmon walks over to the couch, leaning down and placing a hand on his wife's knee. "I love you Delara... we will get through this. We will figure this out."

Just then, Sera's phone rings, and she excuses herself to take the call, recognizing it as Ella Madreth. She turns to Rena for a moment, mouthing words and letting her know that she might have to leave and Rena nods understandably.

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