35: Dont Leave Me - P2

178 44 207

WARNINGS: SA scene, blood
33 BBY | Month 10, Day 1
Coruscant | Imperial City

The Processional Way | 08:00
In the early morning light, the Jedi Temple stands high in the close distance. The speeder comes to a halt, the hum of the engines fading. Sera, her expression a mix of determination and anticipation, unbuckles her seatbelt and prepares to step out.

Maul's watchful gaze remains fixed on her, his protectiveness heightened now that she carries their unborn child. It's been only a month since Sera's announcement of her pregnancy, and Maul has been by her side, catering to her every need. He senses the vulnerability that comes with this new life growing within her, and it only deepens his commitment to keep her safe.

As Sera turns to exit the speeder, Maul's gloved hand gently catches hers. He holds it with a firm grip, his eyes locked onto hers. "Before you go," he murmurs. "I have a gift for you. A late gift, perhaps one to your last birthday, but something I want you to have."

Sera's gaze is a mixture of curiosity and surprise as Maul reaches over and opens a hidden compartment in the speeder. Her breath catches as her eyes fall upon the necklace nestled within. Delicate roses sculpted from precious metals adorn the chain, the same one she had seen years ago, the one that reminded her of her own mother.

Gasping softly, Sera can hardly believe her eyes. "Maul, this is..."

Maul's lips form into a rare, affectionate smile as he carefully takes the necklace and holds it out to her. "It's for you."

With a sense of wonderment, Sera allows Maul to fasten the necklace around her neck. The roses rest against her skin like a promise, a symbol of their love and the future they are forging together. Once the necklace is secured, she turns to him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Her voice is a gentle whisper, filled with emotion. "Thank you. It's... beautiful."

Maul's fingers brush against her cheek as he holds her face, his eyes locked onto hers. "You deserve nothing less of the galaxy my beautiful wife," he murmurs.

Sera's heart swells with love as she leans in, capturing his lips in a soft kiss. When they finally part, she gazes at him with tearful eyes. "I love you, Maul."

Maul's eyes hold a mixture of tenderness and devotion as he responds, his voice carrying a depth of feeling. "I love you, Sera. And the little warrior we are bound to have."

A radiant smile graces Sera's lips as she wipes away a tear. "Okay... Well, I'll be in the Temple for a while. Come pick me up later?"

Maul nods, his grip on her hand tightening slightly. "Of course. Be careful."

With one last lingering look, Sera pulls her hand from her husband's and steps out of the speeder. As she walks towards the entrance of the Jedi Temple, Maul watches her every step, his protective instincts on high alert.

Little do they know that the looming shadow of Maul's master, Sidious, sensing this vulnerable moment, who still plans to exploit it and separate them. The future remains uncertain, but in this moment, as Sera enters the Temple and Maul's gaze follows her, their love and determination burn brighter than ever before.

Jedi Temple, Arboretum | 14:00

Several hours have passed, and Sera finds herself seated outside of the Arboretum. Her eyes trace the intricate details of the flowers, trees, and natural wonders that have been placed here from all corners of the galaxy. Nearby, Yaddle imparts wisdom to a group of younglings beneath the Great Tree. Sera's fingers absently brush over her stomach, a silent acknowledgment of the new life within her. She's curious about the child's potential connection to the Force like her and Maul.

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