31: Questioning the Force

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35 BBY | The following day
Coruscant, Jedi Temple

Temple Halls | 08:00
A mix of determination and nervousness fills in Sera's eyes as she navigates through the halls. She passes by a couple younglings following a Master Jedi... Her mind races with thoughts of what she's about to do for Casi. As she walks, she notices two men observing her for a moment, the fifty or so year old one has a wise gaze curious but not intrusive.

The two then approach her, glancing at the baby girl in her arms. "Hello miss."

She pauses, giving a subtle nod, getting a good look at each one's features. The older Jedi has dark brown hair, it goes past his shoulders, part of it is tied back with a brown cloak covering his cream-colored Jedi robes. This is Qui-Gon Jinn.

Next to him with auburn hair is Obi-Wan Kenobi the Jedi Padawan. He is three years older than Sera Madreth. Obi-Wan tilts his head slightly, curiosity evident in his blue eyes. "I haven't seen you here before, may I ask what brings you to the Jedi Temple?"

Sera takes a deep breath, steadying her nerves as she holds baby Casi close to her. "I'm looking for Quinlan Vos. We made an agreement to meet here at the Jedi Temple."

Qui-Gon raises an eyebrow, intrigued by her request. He glances at the baby girl in Sera's arms. "Is this child yours?"

Sera chuckles lightly, shaking her head. "No, Casi is not my baby. I'm simply here in her mother's absence. She's Force-sensitive."

Qui-Gon smiles warmly, noting her answer and compassion. He gestures for Sera to follow him and Obi-Wan. "Well, if you're looking for Quinlan, he might be in one of the training rooms. Let's see if we can find him for you."

As they walk through the Temple, The Padawan glances at Sera's beskar staff, hanging at her holster belt. "So... that particular metal looks like beskar. Is that a staff? It doesn't look like a Lightsaber."

"Yes, it is a staff," Sera nods, swaying away from her usual deadpan demeanor as Casi babbles quietly in her arms. "It was a gift."

Qui-Gon glances over. "You must be the one Depa spoke of, from that trial? Sera Madreth?"

"Yeah, that is me."

"Interesting. Well, it is very nice to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Master Jedi," Sera replies then glancing at Obi-Wan. "And... your Padawan?"

Obi-Wan chuckles and playfully replies. "She got it right Master! Brilliant observation!"

They suddenly reach one of the training rooms, where Quinlan Vos is standing with his eyes shut. Madreth and Kenobi's shared laughter comes to an end as Vos opens his eyes upon their approach, sensing their presence. His gaze falls on Sera and the baby in her arms smiling at him directly.

"This must be the child," he speaks with a gentle smile.

Sera nods, her resolve firm. "Yeah, Ella couldn't handle herself to show up, she wanted me to take Casi."

Quinlan's eyes soften as he looks at the baby girl. He stands up and approaches them, a mix of gratitude and concern in his expression. "Thank you for bringing her. I'll make sure she's well taken care of here."

Sera smiles, knowing she made the right choice. "I trust you will do what is necessary, for her and the better life she deserves."

Vos returns a smile, giving a reassuring nod and retrieves Casi before leaving with her. Jinn, Madreth and Kenobi look at the little girl leave with Vos before the two Jedi turn back to her. Qui-Gon can sense her troubled spirit and lets out a breath. "Help the young lady to the exit, my Padawan."

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