21: The Trial

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35 BBY | Month 5, Day 24
Coruscant, Military District

Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center | 09:00
The interrogation room is cold and sterile, the atmosphere thick with tension. Mace Windu, his gaze locked sternly, stands in a corner of the room. Depa Billaba, her expression calm yet resolute, sits across from Don Madreth, her eyes locked onto his scowling face.

Don, fueled always by his anger and disdain for women, sneers at Depa. "Being a Jedi doesn't scare me, lady. You're all weak, just like my useless daughter."

Depa has a composed demeanor, her voice steady as she responds. "Mr. Madreth. Our power lies not in aggression, but in the pursuit of justice and peace, you have no idea what you are taking about."

Enraged by her words, Don's hand darts forward in an attempt to slap Depa. But in a swift and fluid motion, she catches his wrist and twists it, immobilizing him, hearing a small painful grunt. "Think again before you raise your hand, Mr. Madreth. This room is recording your actions and words..."

Mace Windu steps forward as Depa lets go. "Your hatred and cruelty towards your own daughter are despicable, Mr. Madreth. Sera Madreth is alive, despite your wishes otherwise. She is a survivor, and she will find justice for the pain you have caused."

Don's face contorts with disgust. "She may be alive now, but mark my words, Jedi. She will die eventually. It's only a matter of time before someone gets her."

With a final glare, Don is forcibly removed from the room, taken to another location as the preparations for his trial begin, set for 1400 hours.

Mace Windu and Depa Billaba share a brief moment of reflection, their expressions heavy with the weight of the situation.

"This man has lost his kriffing mind," Windu lets out a sigh. "How has Sera Madreth dealt with this all her life...?"

"She is strong, she also has a great deal of patience like her mother, Senator Mitsov," Depa stands from her seat. "But... I think there is more to this story than we can gather at the moment."

The two Jedi move towards the exit, Windu glancing at her. "I heard it will be packed in there..."

Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center
Outside, front doors | 14:00

The Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center buzzes with anticipation as a diverse group of individuals gathers near the entrance.

Delara, Helena, Alistair, Calliope, and Kedas Ivel stand together, Edmon Rampart is standing by his wife. Rena is there followed by Eedy Karn. They all know that today marks a pivotal moment for Sera.

The presence of the ROCI has many here standing about. Deej Stevens, Tayla Dire, Jake Alman, Lio Partagaz, Diana Price, and Matteo Shepard, among others, lending their support to their fellow detective and officer. Klint Price, the fired lieutenant and father of Diana, stands by their side, his stern expression reflecting the support he has shown for Sera, even at his personal cost.

Amell Evinder, the retired Provost Marshal, also stands among the supporters, his personal experience with Don over an incident with his long since passed wife is lending much strength to the cause. Each individual present has their own reasons for being there, but agreeing on one thing, Don is a wagyx, a bantha head, or'dinii, child abuser, sexist, terrible father, etc...

On the opposing side though, defending Don Madreth is but only a few people... Hank Murray, Lilla M'cree, and Britni Beck, their expressions carrying a mix of arrogance and indifference.

As the time draws near, the crowd moves inside, taking their seats in the courtroom. They await Sera's arrival, unaware that there is a specific presence going to appear in the courtroom soon.

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