17: Consequence Of Emotions

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36 BBY | Month 12, Day 25
Coruscant, Manarai Heights

Eastport, Gate 3200 | 02:00
The transport hummed softly for hours as it made its way through hyperspace, its passengers lost in their own thoughts and gossip. Seris had been watching Sera throughout the beginning of the trip back, his thoughts a swirl of conflicting emotions towards her and himself. He is going to have to ask his master what these emotions mean, and why it feels so different.

The big question is, does Sera also feel the same way? Or like him- is she hiding it also? Or... does she not feel anything at all?

His mind remained restless watching Sera sleep so peacefully, while he was deeply lost and haunted by the uncertainties that still lay ahead back on Coruscant.

Unaware to the both of them, the weariness of their bodies gradually overtook their consciousness for the rest of the trip. Seris had leaned against the window over an hour of watching her after she fell asleep unintentionally. His eyes eventually shut, drifting off to sleep himself with Sera being the last thing he saw.

Sera's head at some point had inclined towards Seris' shoulder after about ten minutes of him sleeping, succumbed to the tranquility of the moment, both of their breathing was steady and calm.

The other passengers on the transport were off in their own private musings, unaware of the slumbering figures on the starship.

By now, there is a passenger, a figure concealed in the shadows observing Detective Madreth with keen interest. This individual had been tracking Sera's movements for reasons unknown as of right now. They positioned themselves in a discreet corner, adjusting the settings on their phone to capture the sleeping duo.

As the transport continued its journey, they find the perfect angle and moment, capturing a photograph of Seris and Sera sleeping. The flash from the phone briefly illuminates the surrounding area, momentarily disrupting the serene atmosphere.

Startled by the sudden burst of light from the camera, the figure flees into another corner. Sera stirs from her short nap-like slumber as the transport comes out of hyperspace, heading towards Coruscant. Sera's drowsy eyes met Seris' visor for a fleeting moment, confusion etching her features as he is trying to wake himself too.

It takes a moment for the realization to sink in-they had unknowingly fallen asleep on each other during the journey back.

Their proximity suddenly feels more intimate than they intended, and a small feeling of warmth creeps onto Sera's face. Seris immediately adjusts himself in his seat, subtly distancing himself from her as she does the same. Their eyes briefly lock, before she returns to her deadpan demeanor, glancing away.

Meanwhile, the spy, satisfied with their clandestine photograph, disappears further into the crowd of one hundred or so people, their intentions covered in secrecy. Little did these two know that their brief moment of vulnerability had been captured, and the consequence of this intrusion remains hidden.


As the doors of the transport slide open, Seris rises from his seat and glances over at Sera once again, who is placing her shades on to hide her tired eyes. His voice, masked by his helmet, carries a note of concern as he speaks.

"Sera," he says somewhat softly. "Remember to take your medicine this time."

Her eyes widened slightly, remembering a second later that they are in her vehicle and not at home. "Oh, right... I have to do that..."

Eventually after more silence, they walk through the spaceport together im the cold winter atmosphere heading towards the gate's exit. Seris keeps a watchful eye on their surroundings not wanting to leave her side. He is wary of any potential threats that could be waiting but Sera didn't seem to care about these threats, just her sleep. As they approach Sera's speeder in the distance, a subtle tension hangs between them. The silence lingers, hearing only a distant hum of passing vehicles and the occasional chatter of nearby travelers.

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