18: In A Hurry

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35 BBY | Month 5, Day 2
Coruscant, Galactic City

Caspak Boulevard, Paak Hotel | 16:00
Maul sits in the dimly lit hotel room, his body hunched over and burdened by the weight of his dark existence. Time has only served to deepen the abyss of his isolation, leaving him trapped in a cycle of overthinking and seething anger.

It has been nearly five long months since he last laid eyes on Sera, since that fateful night they returned to Coruscant. The night he left without a word, without saying goodbye, abandoning the connection they had forged because of Palpatine.

His broken phone lies discarded on the table, a casualty of his master's rage. Its shattered screen reflects the shattered state of his emotions, beyond repair. He yearns to reach out to her, to apologize for his absence, but he is left with no way to do so.

Frustration bubbles within him as he compares himself to his master, Lord Sidious, who effortlessly maintains friendships and connections. Maul, on the other hand, is denied such connections, all because of these complex and conflicting emotions that plague him. They complicate his purpose, they distract him, his very existence and what he is made to be.

No answers are forthcoming, no respite granted. His days are filled with endless tasks that demand the taking of innocent lives on Coruscant. He wonders, in moments of daring contemplation, what it would be like if he were a Jedi, unburdened by the dark path he walks, he would be at peace for once, making most decisions on his own.

His mind drifts back to their time on Lothal, to the fleeting moments they shared amidst the winter festival. Maul recalls the gentle touch of Sera's hand brushing against his, evoking both nervousness and a warmth that stirred something deep within him. The memory of their first embrace, when he saved her from the clutches of Zek, lingers in his thoughts, a mix of anger and longing to find that man again, to tear him apart.

Maul's thoughts turn to Sera's current detective work. Is she safe? Is she alone in her investigations? Has anyone dared to harm her, to lay a hand upon her? Has Lilla, that contemptible presence, caused her any trouble?

Frustration and anger towards his Master simmers within Maul, driving him to mumble to himself in discontent. "All my life, I have never had a choice. I have merely obeyed the will of my Master... while he, he can do as he pleases."

Seeking solace from his spiraling thoughts, Maul turns his attention to the TV, hoping for a temporary reprieve. Scrolling through the channels, he eventually stumbles upon Sera's familiar face, addressing the public in a briefing about a high-class criminal on the loose. Her natural black hair has grown longer, passing her shoulders.

"We are working tirelessly to apprehend the perpetrator," Sera's voice resonates, calming the months of pent-up anger and tension within Maul. He listens intently to her every word.

Closing his eyes, Maul allows himself to be consumed by the sound of her voice. Images of their shared moments flood his mind-laughter, conversations, stolen glimpses of a connection that had meant something to him.

With a heavy sigh, he breaks the silence, whispering her name with a tinge of sorrow. "Sera... you probably hate me... I left without a word."

Opening his eyes, Maul's gaze falls upon his long-neglected helmet. Something in Sera's words strikes a chord, a realization that his hidden identity, just like Sidious' guise as Senator Palpatine, could be used to his own advantage. If his master can deceive others, then so can he.

Determined, Maul springs to his feet, his movements frantic as he searches the room. "I may be a fool, but I must see her again. She deserves an apology, and I must confront her, despite our separation. Even if it is the last time, I must speak with her."

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