Chapter 2 Part 2: Escaping Expulsion

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3rd POV

  The four friends were currently hidden behind the bushes in front of Principal Bump's office, "Operation: Change Bump's Mind is a go," (Y/n) smiles as she places a hand in the middle, followed by her friends hands lying on top of her own.

  (Y/n) peers inside to see Principal Bump looking at pictures of him and the quartet, taken during grom night with a sad expression. It was obvious that he misses them.

  (Y/n) quickly knocks on the window, and places a basket from the quartet with a note, pleading Principal Bump to un-expel them and a drawing of him, and a disfigured cake which is supposed to resemble his face.

  Principal Bump gets spooked by the cake and throws it down, hitting the quartet on the head.

  The quartet then try to enter by pretending to be Hexside teachers using Gus' illusion magic, but bump into Principal Bump and the teachers outside.

  Principal Bump breaks their illusion spell and the quartet backs off. Principal Bump turns and walks away with tears.

  The quartet then try to fly inside while using Eda's staff, but backs off when Principal Bump points a crossbow at them with a sad frown.


  "Life is just so dull without them!" Principal Bump cries as Hexside guards close the main door.

  Gus groans, "this is hopeless! Nothing is working!"

  "Don't worry guys," Luz reassures. "As long as we stick together we'll think of something!"

  A crow phone crows and lands atop Willow's head, "Oh no."

  "Willow Park, did you get expelled?!" The voice of Willow's dad rang out.

  Another crow phone lands atop Gus' head, "this is Perry Porter with breaking news. In light of recent events, Augustus Porter will be grounded for no less than a year."

  The Crow phone grabs Gus by his collar and starts flying up, "Help, Luz! (Y/n)! Let me go! No, please, no!"

  "Just one? Willow's grounded for three at least!" The two crow phones grab Willow and Gus and fly away, "No, ah! Help, Luz! Help, (Y/n)!"

  "Luz! (Y/n)! Save me!"

  Amity passes (Y/n) and Luz from behind and accidentally drops her book.

  The human duo Luz heard it and turns back toward the source of sound.

  Amity notices the two humans, "I'm uh... I'm sorry, I was a coward in there. But my mom—"

  "Amity, it's ok," (Y/n) places a reassuring on Amity's shoulder.

  "Yeah, I get it," Luz nods with understanding. "You're scared of her, but we're not, and I need you to take me her. She seemed open to talking things through."

  Amity shakes her head, "No, no, Luz, you don't have to do that."

  "Yes, I do. Willow and Gus don't deserve this," Luz picks up Amity's book. "So, will you help me, please?"

  Amity looks at Luz with sadness, "I... I can't."

  The school bell rings from the doors.

  "I have to go," Amity states and takes book from Luz, turns around and walks away.

  Luz looks down as (Y/n) pats her back, "come on, let's go home."

  Luz nods as she turns around and walks away sadly, but accidentally steps on the ripped up business card thrown on the floor. She picks it up and notices the address written behind the card. ".... (Y/n), you can go on ahead, I need to do something quickly."

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