Side Episode Part 1: The Wild Witch Birthday

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3rd POV

  It was a bright morning in the Owl House as (Y/n) and Luz got ready for school, "I can't believe that I forgot my birthday, and that you told Eda last week."

  "I don't blame you for forgetting about it," Luz says as she packed her things. "A lot of stuff did happen to us. But this is going to be your first birthday in the Boiling Isles! It's got to be perfect!"

  "Please don't go overboard like last time," (Y/n) muttered.


  "Make a wish," (M/n) says as a now 14 year old (Y/n) that stood in front of her cake.

  (Y/n) blows out her candles before Luz suddenly bursts through the door on top of a miniature pony that had (F/c) flowers on the reines and a hastily drawn birthday banner, "happy birthday (Y/n)!"

  Luz yelps as the pony suddenly started running throughout the house, sounds of crashing and glass breaking echoed in the hallways.


  "It was only fortunate that not anything serious was broken or destroyed," (Y/n) says as she walked down the stairs. "But I will admire how you did that in only half an hour."

  "Come on kids time to get going," Eda calls from outside.

  Hooty and King watched as the two humans hopped on Owlbert and flew to Hexside, "I can't believe it. Our (Y/n) is growing so fast," Hooty sobbed before quickly perking up. "I need to tell Lulu!"

  King stood in place as he thought, "this is bad. I didn't plan ahead of time, I didn't know it was (Y/n)'s birthday until yesterday! Now I don't know what to get her!" King paced back and forth as he tries to think of an idea, "maybe I could make something for her? No, too simple.... Ah!"

  King goes inside and writes a note for Eda until she gets back: Heading out to find a present, will be back before dark. Signed, your's truly, The King Of Demons.

  With a determined glint in his eyes, he heads out the door with a small pouch of snails.


  "Here we are," Eda says she lands near the ground next to Hexside's gates. "You two go on and enjoy the boring lectures, or whatever. See you two after school."

  "Bye Eda! See you later!" Luz waves as (Y/n) gave a salute, "bye Eda!"

  Eda zips off as the two humans disappear from sight, "now. What's the first thing I need for a party?"

  (Y/n) and Luz opened the door and was greeted by Gus and Willow, "happy birthday (Y/n)!"

  "Thanks guys," (Y/n) smiles before Willow holds up a small pot with a purple flower planted in the soil. "Hey, isn't this the same kind of flower when we met?"

  Willow nods, "it is! Since it was on that day we became friends, I thought it would be my gift for you."

  (Y/n) hugs Willow, "thank you so much!"

  "Oh! Oh! Me next!" Gus enthusiastically hops in place before digging into his backpack, pulling out a bracelet that was decorated with blue, purple, green, yellow, and orange gem beads. "The color of each bead are supposed to represent of us! Blue: obviously, me. Purple: Amity. Green: Willow. Yellow: Luz. And the orange is you!"

  (Y/n) gingerly takes the bracelet, "wow! Gus, this is so amazing! Thank you," she smiles and pulls Gus into a hug.

  The moment was interrupted when the school bell screams, the four friends looked at each other before bolting down the hallways to envade of being late.


  Eda grunts as she tries to pull on a large t trolly that was filled with supplies, "this would be so much easier if I still had my magic."

  "Edalyn?" A voice calls out from behind the mentioned witch.

  Eda turned her head to see a familiar face, "Alistair? Why, it's been a while!" Eda dropped what she was doing and walked up to the fellow wild witch, "we hardly got to talk back at The Knee. Wish we talked more if it weren't for the... Irritating company."

  Alistair laughs, "yeah, those demon hunters were unexpected. And you had to look out for your students. Speaking of which, how is Luz and her friend? Did the Mimic Flowers work out smoothly?"

  "Luz and (Y/n) are doing fine, the Mimic really helped (Y/n). Thank you for that," Eda says as she gently ruffles Alistair's dirty blonde hair.

  "What are you up to? By the looks of it, your planning something," Alistair says as he eyes the trolly.

  "Yeah, today is actually (Y/n)'s birthday. Luz wants to throw a surprise party for her," Eda informed. "But I can't get things set up quickly without my magic."

  Alistair hums, "how about I help you? As they say, more hands make light work. I also want to hear what you have been up to these past 7 years."

  "Fair enough," Eda smiles as Alistair helps her pull the cart. "How about I tell you, how I met the two, unusually unique humans, that stumbled into the Boiling Isles."


  In Bonesborough, King walked through the market, eyeing anything that could be a good present for (Y/n).

  "What about this? No... It's too tacky. Oh this is co--- wait, no. (Y/n) freaked out last time when I gave her something like this," King growls in frustration. "Is there anything that (Y/n) would like?!"

  "Is there something that you need? Or is there advice that you heed?"

  "Weh?" King turns around to see a female lizard demon with a dark purple shawl that reaches under her knees, walking towards him. "Oh, uh, yes. You see, today is my friend's birthday and I'm looking for a gift for her. But there isn't anything that would be perfect for her."

  "That is quite thoughtful of you," the lizard lady hums. "Maybe there's something that Selcuk could be of use."

  "Selcuk?" King tilts his head in confusion.

  "Aye," Selcuk bows her head. "What is yours, if I may?"

  "I'm King! The King of Demons," King introduced himself.

  "Oh my," Selcuk chuckles. "What a gracious day indeed, to meet with royalty."

  King puffs out his chest at the praise, even if that he knows that he is or isn't a king of anything at all. The praise still felt nice.

  "Now, follow me, little King." Selcuk says with a beckoning hand, "I'll help you find the perfect thing."

  "Yes!" King says excitingly, "let's find the perfect gift for (Y/n)!"




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