Episode 7 Part 1: Eda's Requiem

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Eda is currently in her room, looking over a checklist in her hand, "Luz needs a new coat. King needs to be checked for fleas. (Y/n) needs new bandages and antibiotics. Am I missing anything?" Eda hums in thought and looks at her reflection. "Oh, you've changed, Owl Lady." Eda chuckles as she looks over her appearance before she takes a photo of her with her two apprentices and friend at Grom. Eda sighs with a smile, "it's worth it."

Eda then hears voices outside and opens her window and smiles as she looks down and sees Luz and King doing pull-ups on Owlbert in midair.

"Alright, King," Luz grunts as she pulls herself up. "What's the first thing you're going to do when you meet your dad?"

"And ten thousand!" King hoist himself up beside Luz, "Well, once we're done training, I'm gonna move out of that closet, that's for sure. Then, I'm going to ugly cry. Hard!"

Luz then looks at King, "have you told Eda about your decision to le—"

King suddenly hushes Luz when they hear a noise and looked up towards Eda's now closed window, and the witch herself is crouching under the window frame.

"I'm not ready to tell her yet," King whispered to Luz, unaware that Eda was silently listening in. "I'm not sure how she'll react."

Eda sighs with sadness in her voice as she stands up and dusts herself, "Everyone's leaving, huh? Even King. I guess I'm no substitute for the real thing." Eda opens her trunk to place the photo in and spots a bell cittern with a raincloud and bolt carved into it. She puts the photo in her hair and picks the cittern up, "Welp, nothing like a good distraction."

Eda starts playing a song, unbeknownst to her, everything around her, including the Spade Pendant, starts to float. Eda then finally takes notice and gasps, "my magic has returned?" Eda stops playing and everything falls to the ground, "I guess not." Eda puts the cittern back in the trunk and returns to her list. Behind her, a plant starts to turn black and corrode.


(Y/n) was walking down the stairs with a tired expression, in time to see Luz running past her with a soggy looking backpack. (Y/n) immediately turned her head and gagged when she caught a horrible smell, "god Luz, who barfed chunks in your bag?"

Luz chuckles nervously as she throws the grossly slimy bag into the trash, "Oh, me and King were practicing flying with Owlbert and King... Had a weak stomach when we landed."

(Y/n) nods her head in understanding before catching Eda's voice calling out, "So why are you suddenly so interested in flying? Did you give up on returning to the Human Realm? I mean, I suppose you and (Y/n) can stay here a little longer."

(Y/n) chuckles nervously as she and Luz walks into the living room, "we still plan on going home, but I keep running into some... setbacks."


Luz kneels down beside (Y/n) as they looked under the latter's bed, "hey little buddy, it's okay."

(Y/n) then pulls out a carrot, offering it to the echo mouse hiding underneath, "here you go, would you like a carrot?" (Y/n) whispered as she gently coaxed the echo mouse, it seemed to work as the small mouse runs onto her lap to eat the offering.

Luz coos as she gently pets the echo mouse, "we go. It's okay. See, you're safe here."

Suddenly, Hooty, who comes out of nowhere, eats the mouse, surprising the two human companions. "Fear not, maidens! Hooty, the guardian owl of Ga'Hoot, has protected you once more!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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