Chapter 3 Part 3: Echoes Of The Past

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3rd POV

  (Y/n) breathes heavily as she reaches the edge of the jungle and pauses. There, on the beach in front of her, is King, sitting alone on a log, staring out at the sea.

  (Y/n) looks at King sympathetically as she walks up to him and joins him on the log, the two remain quiet as they listen to the lapping of waves.

  King finally cut the silence as he spoke, looking towards the ground, "Eda was right, wasn't she? I was never king of anything. I'm nobody."

  (Y/n) shook her head, "you are somebody. And I love that somebody very much. I'm sorry I lied about what I believed."

  "Everyone lied!" King shouts as tears streaks down his cheeks, "And I was too caught up in the fantasy to realize it! I... I don't know what to do, (Y/n)! I can't tell what's real and what's fake!" King buries his face in his paws.

  (Y/n)'s eyes twitched as her vision starts to blur, but then looks up toward the ruined temple in the distance. "Something's not adding up. One of your memories is falling, right?"

  King sniffs and wipes his eyes, "probably another stupid thing I made up."

  "No! What if you falling was actually a real memory?" (Y/n) says as an undescribed  feeling anchors in her stomach.

  "Why does it matter?" King asked doubtfully.

  (Y/n) points to the top of the temple, "You said you remember a roar from up in that shaft, right? Maybe that's where you fell from! Eda found you in those ruins. There's gotta be a clue in there about where you came from!"

  King shook his head, "I don't know, (Y/n). What if the story gets worse?"

   "You might've been alone before, but you have us now. Whatever we find up there won't change that. We'll be right there behind you all the way, I promise." (Y/n) extends her hand.

  King looks up into (Y/n)'s eyes as she smiles gently. After a moment of consideration, he gets up and puts his paw in her's, "Okay."

  (Y/n) picks up King and holds him in her arm, cradling his back gently.

  King breath shudders as he leans into the (H/c) haired human's embrace, "thank you."


  Back into the jungle, (Y/n) leads King back to Luz, Eda and Lilith, the three of them looking worried.

  Eda gasps as she sees (Y/n) back with King "King! You're alright!" She runs toward King, but then stops upon noticing him looking sternly up at her. "You're mad at me. I get it. I would be, too." Eda sighs as she kneels down, "I'm so sorry, King."

  King suddenly pokes her on the cheek, "Boop. No more secrets, okay? You have to promise me."

  Eda smiles, "Only truths. I promise."

  Luz smiled with relief as (Y/n) walked up beside her, "Great. Now, before we leave, we have one more thing to check out." (Y/n) points toward the tower in the distance.

  Inside the castle, the monster is maintaining one of the little rock statues when it suddenly reacts to something unseen. It hisses and looks back. It sees an exploding position being tossed and gets hit.

  Lilith flies in on her staff, aiming Hooty like a bazooka. "Special delivery! PAIN!"

  Hooty fires a potion out of his mouth, and it hits the monster again. Suddenly, something invisible flies low past it.

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