Chapter 5 Part 2: Through The Looking Glass Ruins

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3rd POV


  'Just my luck,' (Y/n) thought as she took a hesitant step backwards. "What brings you up all the way here Goldie?"

  "I could ask the same thing as you,"Golden Guard retorts. "But because I'm having a good day today, I'll let you walk away from these ruins."

  "Yeah sorry, there is something that I have to do here so... Fat chance," (Y/n) narrows her eyes.

  The Golden Guard laughs, "seriously? What's so important for you to come up here for?"

  (Y/n) hums, "if there isn't anything that is important, why are you here?"

  "Don't.... test me, human." the Golden Guard responded tensely.

  (Y/n) stifles a amused snort, "so there is something here."

  "Bold of you to assume that I'll let you take another step into these ruins," Goldie replies.

  ".... HOLY CRAP! SLITHERBEAST!" (Y/n) yells as she points behind Goldie.

  Goldie swiftly turns around and prepares his staff, only to see...... nothing. He quickly turned back around to see (Y/n) bolting away from him, "why that devious little--- GET BACK HERE!"


  "How much further do we have to go?" Luz asked as she and Amity continued to walk.

  "Actually, we're here," Amity points out.

  "Whoa. Let's get looking," Luz says enthusiastically.

Amity suddenly gasps and pulls Luz down, "wait."

  The two watched as Malphas enters from a doorway.

  Luz and Amity realize how close they are to each other and roll away, blushing.

  Luz clears her throat, "so, we'll be super sneaky and quiet. Got it.

  "Malphas is actually the one who gave me my job and my own study room," Amity starts. "He's usually nice, but if we're caught, he'd feed us to the book worms."

  Luz hums in interest, "I know here that probably means unholy, blood-sucking snake monster, but in the Human Realm, that's just a cute name for nerds."

  "Huh," Amity uttered, "the human world sounds odd."

  "Maybe it would be less odd if I showed you around someday," Luz smiles. "But, uh, let's turn back. I don't wanna push you."

  Amity suddenly grabs Luz, "we're getting that diary."

  Luz yelps as Amity drags her deeper into the library.


  (Y/n) had been running for quite a while now, but she was starting to get light headed. (Y/n) looks around and smiles as she quickly runs into a worn down mining tunnel and hides.

  (Y/n) wheezed a breathy laugh, "I didn't know that would work, I think I overestimated him."

  "Nah, quite the opposite really," the familiar voice says from behind.

  (Y/n) turned around, "Wha---?!"

  "Hiiii~" Goldie waves.

  "Nope! Nope! Nope! So much nope!" (Y/n) cries out as she bolts out the mining tunnel.
She yelps as Goldie appears in front of her in a flash of yellow. "Gotcha! Augh!"

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