Chapter 4 Part 1: Keeping Up A-fear-ances

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3rd POV

  (Y/n) slowly walked down a hallway that led to her mom's bedroom. As she approached the door, she heard muffled noises. "Mom, can I come in?"

  "A-ah, hold on Mija," (M/n) says hastily.

  After a few seconds, (M/n) opened the door to reveal a young (Y/n). "Is there something you need?" She asked, stepping to the side to let (Y/n) inside the room.

  (Y/n) climbs up onto the bed and looks up at her mother, "is everything okay?"

  "Y-yes sweetheart, I'm alright. I'm just tired," (M/n) smiles and sits next to (Y/n).

  "Is it.... dad?" (Y/n) draws out carefully.

  (M/n) breathes in through her nose, "your father and I... Have been having a bit of a disagreement these past few weeks. But don't worry, everything will be okay."

  (Y/n) looks up at her mother with a small frown, "lo prometes?"

  "Sí, te prometo mi rayo de sol," (M/n) pulls her daughter into her arms and holds her close.

  (Y/n) leans into the embrace with a smile, but the smile turns into a frown as her expression becomes doubtful and sad.


  "Beans!" A voice yells, cause two humans to jolt up in surprise.

  (Y/n) looked around as Lus cries out and falls backwards.

  "We ran out of apple blood," Eda complained as she kicks the fridge door close and turns around. "Still no luck?"

  "None," Luz groans. "(Y/n) and I were up all night."

  (Y/n) yawns, "we read every tome, book, notepad, and tea leaf." She shows Eda a cup, with the tea leaf forming into a shrugging person. "But nothing explains how to make a portal to the Human Realm."

  "I wish I could help ya, girls. My door was already pretty old when I found it," Eda explained.

  Luz tilts her head, "How long did you have it?"

  "Well..." Eda draws out as she tries to find a way to explain the origins of her finding the portal in the first place.

  Suddenly, the three snapped their heads when they had heard Lilith screaming. Eda, (Y/n), and Luz gasped with worry.

  They run to the living room, just in time to see Lilith on the floor in pain as she began to turn into her beast form. "Help... me."

  Eda rushes over and takes out a bottle of elixir from beneath a pillow on the couch. She then runs towards Lilith to give her the elixir, "calm down, just calm down. The curse acts stronger when you're stressed."

  Lilith pants as the feathers disappeared, "That was... horrible. How have you managed all these years?"

  "Well, it's been hard," Eda starts as she helps Lilith up. "But since we split the curse, at least the elixirs are working again."

  "That's a relief," Lilith sighs before noticing her left hand gone. She makes a terrified noise while Luz cries out in shock.

  Eda bends down to pick up Lilith’s hand, "Oh, yeah, sorry. Side effect of the curse. It's actually fun once in a while," she laughs and sets Lilith's hand back in place. "Now don't worry. I've stashed elixirs all over the house." Eda then reveals hidden elixirs under the couch seat, behind a flower pot and pulls one out of Luz's hood. "Whenever you start feeling feathery, just help yourself to one of these bad boys."

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