Side Chapter Part 2: The Wild Witch Birthday

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3rd POV

  In the illusion class, (Y/n) jotes down notes about illusion magic and it's useses.

  "Hey cutie," a pair of voices says from behind (Y/n). She turns around to see Edric and Emira, "a little birdie told us that today is your birthday. So we wanted to give you these."

  (Y/n) gaped at the Blight twins gifts, Edric's gift was a plush version of Batric and Emira's gift was a turquoise gem connected to a (F/c) choker.

  "This gem is a concealment stone," Emira informed. "It can conceal one's true appearance and alters how the user physically appears."

  "Really? Wow," (Y/n) felt her cheeks warming up as she smiled at the Blight twins. "Thank you."

  "If you want, we can have a test drive after school. Do some pranks or pull jokes on the guards," Edric says as (Y/n) takes the gifts.

  "I'll think about it," (Y/n) says as the bell (screams) rung. (Y/n) got up from her seat and waves, "I'll see you two later!"

  The two Blight twins watched as (Y/n) left, Emria took out her scroll and quickly texted Amity.

  Meanwhile with Amity, she walked down the stairs to her next class. She stopped when she heard a buzz from her scroll, she pulled it out and read a text from Emira.

Emira: Phase One of Operation: (Y/n) Surprise is complete.

Your turn Mittens.

  Amity tucked her scroll back into her pocket and skipped down the hallway that (Y/n) was sure to head down in.

  Sure enough, Amity caught sight of a familiar scruff of (H/c) hair emerging from the corner.

  "Hey (Y/n)," Amity waves to gain the mentioned human's attention.

  "Ah, hi Amity, (Y/n) greets with a smile. "How's your day so far?"

  "Not bad so far," Amity shrugs. "I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and I was wondering if you like to go eat with Edric, Emria, and I after school?"

  (Y/n) hums in thought, "well.... It has been some time that I hadn't hung out with you and the twins for a while, and Edric and Emira did ask if I wanted to after school. Alright, I don't see why not."

  "Great, we'll meet up at the entrance." Amity smiles and waves, "see you later!"

  "Okay, see ya!" (Y/n) watched as Amity disappeared from sight before heading towards her next class: the Plant Track homeroom.


  "And that's what happened so far," Eda states as she finished telling Alistair the stories of her adventures with (Y/n) and Luz.

  The two witches had just finished putting up decorations, all that was left was the cake and the birthday human herself.

  "Wow, that is a lot." Alistair looks at Eda sympathetically, "I really wished I was there to help you. By the time that I got wind of your Petrification announcement, I rushed towards the castle in time to only see you flying away."

  "Hey don't beat yourself up about it," Eda nudging his hat off his head to reveal more of his fluffy curls and ruffles it playfully. "The thought counts knowing that you were worried about me."

  Alistair squeaked out a laugh as his hair brushed against his long ears, "hey! Don't do that, I'm not 13 anymore. But seriously though, I want to help you in anyway I can. Just say the word, Zephyr and I will do what we can."

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