Chapter 3 Part 2: Echoes Of The Past

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⚠️ Warning(s): ⚠️
-Body Horror(?)
-Panic Attack

3rd POV

  (Y/n), Luz, and King flew overhead the sea on Eda's staff, while Lilith rides her's while wearing the Porta-Hooty on her back.

  "Are we still flying? It's been hours," Hooty groans.

  "Should we call it a day? Or perhaps a night?" Lilith starts laughing, "Hooty, your sense of humor is infectious."

  "There it is!" King points at an island slowly becoming clear in the fog. He steers (Y/n) down towards it, and Lilith follows.

  "This island shouldn't be here," Lilith says in astonishment. "It's not on any of the maps."

  King shrugs, "It's always been there when I look for it." They land on the shore and walk into the jungle, "After I shrunk, I woke up here, in Eda's arms, and she carried me away. Like a wittle baby."

  Luz coos, "Awww..."

  (Y/n) looks at Lilith with an expression, gesturing at Lilith and Hooty to follow.

  Lilith growled in annoyance, "Fine. Aw."

  Hooty gasps, "Look!"

  The five looked ahead of them as the fog clears up to reveal a dilapidated tower.

  "Ah, home sweet home," King sighs in content.

  Our heroes trekked through the jungle, with King leading the way. King climbs over a tree root, with Luz, (Y/n), and Lilith behind him.

  "That tower is certainly intriguing, but—Oh!"Lilith yelps as she trips over a root. Hooty quickly extends himself to a nearby tree trunk to stabilize her, "Thank you, Hootsifer."

  "My pleasure," Hooty muffles out.

  "But couldn't we have landed a little closer?" Lilith asks as she continues walking.

  King shook his head, "The treetops are so thick, this is the only way in. Plus, now I can dramatically do..." He grabs a bush obscuring the path, and pulls it aside to reveal a keyhole-shaped entrance to the tower. "this!"

  "A door fit for a tyrant," (Y/n) mused with a smile.

  King chuckles, pointing to himself, "That's me!"

  The five walked toward the entrance, which is blocked by rocks.

  King climbs up on them, "I'll find you guys another way in. Wriggle, wriggle, wriggle!" King crawls into a crevice in the rock pile.

  Lilith walks over to a wall with a strange symbol caved into it, "Huh. What a strange material. And this symbol. I've never seen anything quite like this."

  "Ha! I've seen better graffiti. I've got better graffiti on me," Hooty raises his side, showing "LUZ!" and three cool S's graffitied on him.

  "Girls, look! This predates any language I know. King's story may be a fake, but these ruins are a history mystery." Lilith giggles and claps excitedly.

  The rocks collapse, clearing the way as King peeks up, "Eh? What's a mystery?

  Luz laughs, "the only mystery is how Lilith can be so smart and so wrong at the same time. Academics, am I right?"

  "You so are. Come on in," King beckons the four inside.

  Lilith gives Luz a dirty look, who sheepishly smiles back.

  The three climb over the rocks and into the tower. They use light glyphs to make their own lights and examine the room, which is littered with rocks stacked to make the same figure of something with two or three round rocks as a body and a crescent-shaped head placed horizontally.

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