Side Chapter Part 3: A Wild Witch Birthday

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3rd POV

  "Eda! I'm back!" Luz called out as she entered the house with Willow and Gus behind her. "Amity and the twins are distracting (Y/n) so--- Augh!"

  Luz cries out as something suddenly pounces at her, she looks up to see a familiar shark like demon looking down at her. "Hey! I remember you!"

  "Holy Titan! It's a Mountain Ark!" Gus yelps as he hides behind Willow.

  Luz laughs as Zephyr nuzzles into her neck, "h-hey! Don't do that! Hahaha! I missed you too!"

  "Zephyr! Let the girl breathe," Alistair comes into the room and pulls Zephyr off of Luz. "I'm so sorry kid, he just got a bit excited. Zephyr, say sorry."

  Zephyr made a small chirp.

  Luz coos, "aww. It's okay buddy, I'm glad to see you too."

  "Wow, an actual Mountain Ark!" Willow slowly steps forward and raised her hand.

  Zephyr sniffs at Willow's hand before nuzzling into it, "Gus! You don't need to hide, he's a sweetheart."

  "Nah," Gus says as he hid behind the door. "I think I'm good right here thank you."

  "It's been a while Alistair, how have you been?" Luz says as she pats Zephyr's withers.

  "I've been fine, been keeping an eye on Zephyr here. He's been a real pain in th--- Augh!" Alistair yelps as Zephyr's tail hits him, "Zephyr!"

  Zephyr lets out a guffawing sound as Alistair looks at the Mountain Ark with offense, "don't you laugh at me like that!"

  Eda laughs as she walked into the room, "all right, enough fooling around. We have a party to set up. Luz, you and Alistair are on food duty."

  Luz salutes as Alistair gives a thumbs up.

  Eda looks towards Willow and Gus, "kids, you are in charge of wrapping up the rest of the presents that are up in my room."

  "You can count on us Ms. Eda," Willow smiles as Gus nods in understanding.

  "Me and King will pick up a cake before (Y/n) gets back," Eda states as she grabs Owlbert. "King! We're going out!"

  It was silent for a moment, Eda looks around before sighing. "He's probably sleeping somewhere, King! You're coming with me, either you like it or not!"

  Eda goes upstairs and opens the door to Luz's and (Y/n)'s room, but King wasn't there. She peeks inside her room, she looks around before spotting a letter on her bed.

  "Heading out to find a present, will be back before dark."

  "Signed, your's truly,
The King Of Demons."

  Eda groans before marching down the stairs, "he's at the market to find (Y/n) a present. No matter, I'll get him while picking up the cake. Alistair, you're in charge of the house. Make sure nothing burns down. Kids, don't cause any problems for him alright?"

  "You got Eda! We'll make sure to get everything together while you're gone," Luz says with a wave.

  "We'll hold down the fort," Alistair salutes as Willow and Gus waves as Eda left the house. "Alright, you know what to do. Luz, to the kitchen."

  "Right behind you captain!" Luz says as she follows Alistair into the kitchen.


  "Here we are," Edric says as he lets (Y/n) off his back. "Welcome to Samsara Diner!"

  "Oh thank Titan," Amity sighs with relief as she slides off Emira, who laughed. "Oh, come on Mittens. It wasn't that bad."

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