Chapter 3 Part 1: Echoes Of The Past

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3rd POV

  (Y/n) sat next to Luz as they were experimenting with glyphs in a notebook.

  Luz hums as she starts drawing a glyph, but scribbles it out. She makes a frustrated grunt.

  King dives through, tumbling books over, "Luz, (Y/n), I need your help! I think Francois is trying to start a rebellion."

  (Y/n) looks over at the couch, covered in King's plushies. Francois, his pale pink bunny, is sitting in the center of a pillow. After a beat, a jagged dagger falls out from behind him.

  (Y/n) pursed her lips, "that's not scary whatsoever."

  Luz hums in acknowledgment, "in a minute, King. I'm getting so close to figuring out this glyph combo."

  King sighs, "It's always glyphs and portals with you these days. What about King?"

  "Why don't you ask Lilith for help?" Lilith asked as she points where Lilith sat, "she was in the Emperor's Coven. She has more experience with unruly mobs than anyone."

  The tree looked over at Lilith, who is kneeling at the desk, extremely focused on drawing a glyph with a red paintbrush. She's bent over, eyes only a short distance from the paper. Her hair is messy and the whites of her eyes are huge, with tiny irises, giggling creepily. "Watching the ink dry is the best part."

  King made a noise of disapproval.

  Hooty soon came up to Lilith with a mug, "A fresh cup of tea for my favorite cup of tea. That's you, Lulu."

  Lilith smooths her hair, and her eyes turn back to normal. "Hootsifer, you truly are a gem. How do you always know what to do?"

  "What's going on? Is Hooty blackmailing her?" King whispers as he watches Lilith petting Hooty

  "Oh, I think they're actually friends. Isn't that nice?" Luz says before closing her book and stands up, holding a glyph. "Okay, this will work for sure. Now you see me..." She slams the glyph to her chest and vanishes.

  King gasps as Lilith looks up, noticing Luz suddenly disappearing.

  Luz reappears, "now you don't. Oh, I guess it only lasts as long as I hold my breath. Still pretty cool, huh?"

  King rushes and clings to Luz's leg, "Don't ever do that again!"

  Lilith stands up in amazement, "Do that again! How did you accomplish it?"

  Luz shakes King off her leg, "Well, since you guys discovered that we can make new spells by combining glyphs, me and (Y/n) have been experimenting. I got the invisibility idea from your history books, Lilith."

  "And check this out," (Y/n) smiles as she holds up a glyph. She taps and activates the glyph, soon the entire room is surrounded by a thick fog.

  "Aah! I can't see!" King squawks before a thump was heard.

  (Y/n) was quick to find the door and opened it, letting the fog clear up. "What do you think?"

  Lilith claps excitedly, "that was amazing!"

  (Y/n) smiles proudly.

  "Fascinating! As the lead historical scholar of the Emperor's Coven, my aid could be very helpful in—" Lilith stumbles over the tower of King's plushies, toppling them.

  "An ambush! Men, defend your ruler!" King tosses a nearby plush at Lilith.

  Hooty blocks it, and dramatically falls into Lilith's arms. "I'm done for, Lulu."

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