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(Y/N)'s POV

I sat on my chair, spinning out of boredom. It was raining outside and my parents left me alone to go to a party...such great parents. I sighed, getting off my chair and walked over to my bed. I stared at it for a few seconds before letting my body fall onto the comfy covers. I groaned and grabbed my control pressing the on button. The screen flashed white before showing my favorite show. My boredom began to fade as I started watching the show.

~Time Skip~

I was eating popcorn, when the show went to a cliffhanger and commercials came on. My phone buzzed and I saw it dimly light my room, before going dark. I picked up my phone and pressed the home button. There was a notification from KIK.

It said I had a new chat.

I typed in my password and went to the KIK app. There was a new message with a blurry picture next to it. The username said...Adorable_Dork? I giggled and pressed the green button. It revealed the picture to show a guy with fair looking skin, brown chestnut eyes, and black hair. I blushed lightly admitting he was adorable.

Adorable_Dork: Hey! You may not know me, but I was searching up random usernames with my brother and yours came up. Sorry if this is a bit awkward since I'm a complete stranger, but I would like to get to know you.

I smiled and began typing.

Gummy_Bear: Well hello stranger! I would have ignored your message, but you seem nice and I'm extremely bored. 😫 I would also like to get to know you more as well! What's your name??

I pushed the send button, turning off my phone and looking back at my show that I was watching. A few minutes later the bed buzzes and I pick up my phone. I went to KIK and opened his chat.

Adorable_Dork: Haha! Well I'm glad I wasn't ignored. My name is Tadashi Hamada. May I ask for yours?

Gummy_Bear: My name is (Y/N) (L/N). What are you currently doing??

I pushed send and saw the dark D went to an immediate R. I smiled when it said he was typing.

Adorable_Dork: Just hanging in my room, that I share with my brother. How about yourself?

Gummy_ Bear: Hanging out in my room, bored and watching a show.

Adorable_Dork: Ahh..That sounds nice.

Gummy_Bear: Yeah..

Adorable_Dork: Hey wanna play 20 questions?

Gummy_Bear: Sure! Who goes first?

Adorable_Dork: Me~ How old are you?

Gummy_Bear: 17

Adorable_Dork: 18 😛

Gummy_Bear: 😊 Where do you live?

Adorable_Dork: San Fransokyo. You?

Gummy_Bear: New York

Adorable_Dork: 😮  So far away..and I was thinking of hanging out with you

Gummy_Bear: Aww...Sorry

Adorable_Dork: Alright, any family members?

Gummy_Bear: Mom, Dad, and Older Brother

Adorable_Dork: Aunt and Younger brother

Gummy_Bear: Your parents?

Adorable_Dork: ...They died...10 years ago

Gummy_Bear: Oh...I'm sorry....

Adorable_Dork: 😊 No problem

Gummy_Bear: You speak about your brother a lot.

Adorable_Dork: He's my #1

Gummy_Bear: Awwwwww! What's his name?...And your Favorite Color?

Adorable_Dork: 😂 Hiro and that's a basic question, but the answer would be blue. Yours?

Gummy_Bear: Purple

Adorable_Dork: Hey I gotta go my Aunt wants me to help her clean the store

Gummy_Bear: Store?

Adorable_Dork: Yeah we own a bakery

Gummy_Bear: 😍 Yum!!

Adorable_Dork: Byee

Gummy_Bear: Aww 😕 Bye Dork 😉

Adorable_Dork: Byee Gummy 😊

I put my phone down on the bed and squealed. I looked at the clock and the bright red lights said 8:49.

"Damn I was talking to him for over an hour....Shit tomorrow there is school!....I might as well stay up till eleven" I said my mood changing from happy, to upset, and back to happy. It's official, I'm weird.

Tadashi's POV

I walked downstairs with my little brother, Hiro. Aunt Cass was already there stacking up the wooden chairs.

"There you two are! I thought I would have to go up there and get you myself!" She said with her hands on her hips as she turned to us. "Help me clean and close the st- Tadashi you seem very happy" She continued getting closer with a smile. I blushed lightly and shook my head.

"It's nothing, Aunt Cass" I told her and heard some muffling next to me. I glared at my brother as he covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing. I ruffled his hair and he glared at me.

"Hey!" He yelled and I smiled walking up to a table.

"Just hurry up and finish clean so we can go to sleep" I told him and he huffed before going to grab the mop.

'(Y/N)...' I thought before beginning to stack up chairs.

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