¢нαρтєя 11

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"Misa...do you have any idea where we're supposed to go?" I groaned feeling my body exhausted. Misa had wanted us to wake up early so we can check out the campus and we seemed to have gotten lost, thanks to her amazing sense of directions.

"Are you doubting amazing little me?" Misa asked and I heard the fake sadness in her voice.

"Yes, yes I am," I mumbled and opened my phone to kik.

Gummy_Bear: Hey Tadashi! Soo...when do you think you'll be heading into SFIT...Misa got us lost 😢

Within a few minutes, Tadashi has answered me.

Adorable_Dork: Well...It won't be for a while 😫I'm helping my Aunt set up the cafe for the day

Gummy_Bear: Oh...alright...

Adorable_Dork: If you describe the scenery around you then I'll be able to give you directions to the entrance

Gummy_Bear: About that...the halls look the same each time we enter a new hall

It was true because each hall was a pale white color with rooms located left and right and once in a while the halls lead to a room with machinery scattered everywhere.

"(Y/N)! Hurry up and come here cause Honey Lemon is here!" Misa yelled down the hall.

"Coming!" I yelled as I heard my kik notification tune.

Adorable_Dork: We could facetime and it will be easier for me to find out where you are

I entered the room and saw Honey Lemon sitting at a table with cup of coffee and a doughnut in front of her.

Gummy_Bear: Misa mysteriously found Honey Lemon

Adorable_Dork: Ohh..that's nice 😊

Gummy_Bear: I'll leave you so you can finish helping your Aunt and then meet me here with Hiro. 😜 Don't forget our little tour after school

Adorable_Dork: It's a date 😉 Haha

I put my phone down blushing bright red and took a seat near the two girls that acted sorta like lost sisters.

Tadashi's POV

I saw that (Y/N) read the message and I grinned before putting my phone back into my pocket and left my room that I shared with my brother. Speaking of the devil, I saw him downstairs helping Aunt Cass take the chairs down from the table.

"Ah! You finally came downstairs! Hurry up and help me finish so you can go meet that cute girl you met a couple of days ago!!" My Aunt Cass smirked and my cheeks heated up.

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about! (Y/N) is just a friend" I lied through my teeth and she clicked her tongue.

"Lying to your Aunt is no good! Besides, Hiro has already told me that you've been speaking to this girl for at least three months! She must like you as well if she came all the way here just to go to SFIT." Aunt Cass explained and I stayed quiet.

'Could she really like me..?' I thought and grabbed a rag. 'I shouldn't get my hopes up' and begin to wipe the tables clean.

~Time Skip~

"Tadashi, come on!" Hiro yelled as he ran out of the cafe, struggling to strap his bike helmet onto his head. I grabbed my keys and placed my cap in my bag before putting on my own helmet and running to my motorcycle where Hiro was waiting. I inserted the keys and got along with Hiro behind me.

Texting (Tadashi Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now