¢нαρтєя 10

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After walking around for some time we couldn't find them anyway.

"Did they really just disappear," I mumbled looking at every line. My cheeks were still a hue of pink because I was still holding onto Tadashi's hand.

"Well this is a total bust," I said frowning as I looked up at Tadashi. His brown eyes looked into mines and he gave me a sincere smile.

"Who says we still can't enjoy the fair? I'm sure they're all probably doing something together" Tadashi said and then I felt a squeeze on my hand. "Do you want some food or try out some of the rides plus games first?"

"Umm...Rides. We can get food later" I told him and we began looking for some rides we can try out.

~Time Skip~

I stepped off this spinning ride and felt dizzy as hell. I reached forward and grabbed a hold of the first thing in front of me.

"You okay there, (Y/N)?" I looked up to see Tadashi looking down at me with a worried look on his face. It took me a few minutes to get the uneasy feeling out of my stomach before I replied.

"Yeah it's just that the ride was a bit to fast for my taste," I told him and then noticed I was grabbing his arm to support my body. I blushed and quickly let go of him. He chuckled at this and I felt my phone buzz. I pulled out my phone and saw it was a message from Misa.

Misa: Enjoying your time alone with Tadashi?

(Y/N): You planned this!

Misa: Yesss~ But everyone else went along with the plan.
We're at the main entrance, ready to leave and grab food at the Lucky Cat Cafe

(Y/N): .-. We'll be there soon

"Tadashi, Misa texted me saying that they're all at the main entrance ready to go back to the cafe," I told him and felt another message come to my phone.

"Well we should head back then..after buying some sweets" I grinned at what he said and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the booth of food. I picked out some candy floss (cotton candy) and a bag of my favorite candy. I waited by the side of the line watching as Tadashi ordered his sweets. He then walked over to me with a bag of gummy bears and a soda can.

"Gummy Bears?" I asked looking at the green package containing various colors of tiny bears.

"It's Hiro's favorite type of candy," He said and I giggled.

"Aww you're such a great brother," I said and saw his cheek turn red.

"Lovebirds! Hurry up!" I heard Misa yelled close by.

"Shut it Misa! Go back to Fred!" I yelled back knowing she would yell at me when we get home. I felt my cotton candy move and looked down to see a chunk taken out of it.

"Hey!" I yelled glaring up at Tadashi who was letting the cotton candy melt inside his mouth. He gave me a toothy grin and a kiss on the cheek. My cheeks turned bright.

"W-What was that for?!" My voice cracked as I felt it slightly harder to breathe.

"Payback since you left in Cafe yesterday after kissing my cheek" He explained and I gave him a punch on the shoulder.

"Loser...Don't play with my feelings.." I mumbled which he seems to not have heard as we continued walking behind the group with the adorable dork next to me.

~Time Skip~

We made it back to Lucky Cat Cafe and saw Aunt Cass laying plates of chicken wings on the table.

"Hey Kids! I have extra spicy chicken wings and drinks on the table for you. I'm gonna be my room with Mochi if you need me. Mochi come on!" She said clapping her hands together and walking upstairs with the chubby baby cat following behind her.

"Chicken wings!" Hiro said grabbing a plate of chicken wings and his opened bag of gummy bears. I bit my lip from laughing at the kid and looked over at Misa to see her doing the same. I sighed and took a plate of wings and sat down with my cup of my favorite drink. Tadashi took a seat next to me and stared as I took a sip of my drink.

"Are you still mad at me, shortie?" Tadashi asked and I glared at him.

"I wouldn't be so angry if you stop calling me shortie..." I mumbled and this time Tadashi still seemed to have heard me.

"How can I make it up to you?" He asked and I thought for a minute.

"I say after classes you can show me around San Fransokyo and possibly grab lunch together," I said remembering that I'll also get extremely lost on my first day at SFIT.

"Sure!" He said and we continued to eat.

Texting (Tadashi Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now