¢нαρтєя 2

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I woke up to the sun blaring on my face through the white curtains. I groaned, turning to my side.

"I hate school..." I moaned in annoyance.

"(Y/N), get out of bed it's already 6:30!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I quietly laid in silence, before jumping out of bed.

"Oh no!" I yelled grabbing random clothes from my drawers and put them on. As I grabbed my shoes, I ran downstairs to be greeted by my mad mom.

"Hurry up before you miss the bus" she scolded as I peeled a banana.

"Bye" I told my parents before heading out the door. I took a bite of my banana and ran into the bus, before it took off.

"Nice timing, Nerd" my best friend, Misa said when I took my seat next to her.

"Just because I use the computer 24/7 doesn't mean I'm a nerd" I told her, glaring at her grin. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I stood up slightly, taking my phone out and pressed the home button. My cheeks began to heat up when there was a notification saying Adorable_Dork sent a message.

"Who's the message from?" My blonde friend asked her mouth curving into a big grin.

"No one!" I said quickly turning to my side so she doesn't see. Misa tackled me, grabbing my phone. I now regret telling her my password and never changing it.

"Ooooo~ Who's Adorable Dork?" She asked looking at me while smirking. "He's cute~"

"S-Shut up and give me my phone back!" She chuckled and pinched my cheek.

"Awww!! My bestie in love!!" She said and then passed me back my phone. I looked at the message Tadashi sent.

Adorable_Dork: Good Morning sleepy head! 😁

I giggled and started typing as the bus began parking in front of the school.

Gummy_Bear: Good Morning!

I pushed send and there was a loud screech. My butt slide forward and my face met the leather chairs in front of me.

"Oww..." I groaned in pain.

"(Y/N), are you alright?!" Misa yelled as others began to leave the bus.

"Y-Yeah..." I said standing and rubbing my right cheek. I got off the bus and my phone vibrated.

Tadashi's POV

"Hey Tadashi! You've been staring at your phone for minutes now. What's up?" Fred asked and I looked up at him before looking back down.

Adorable_Dork: What are you up to?

It's been thirteen minutes since I've sent my last text. There was a dark R next to the message with a check mark. She's read it, but hasn't answered.

'Maybe she's in class right now..' I thought and placed my phone in my back pocket.

"He met a new girl yesterday" Hiro said and I glared at him. He grinned at me and Honey Lemon came up to me clasping her hands.

"Really?! Do you like her!? Omg Tadashi finally likes someone!" She began talking way too fast.

"What's her name?" Wasabi asked as he puts down his goggles in a certain location.

"(Y/N)" I answered grabbing a strawberry from a container of fruit that Aunt Cass gave me.

"Do we get to meet her?" Gogo asked blowing a bubble with her gum and then it popped instantly.

"Well she sorta lives in New York..." I muttered sadly, glancing at the floor.

"Then put us into a group chat!" Fred loudly says wrapping his hand around my shoulder. I then heard my phone create the message tone for Kik.

Gummy_Bear: Heading to Math and completely bored 😞

My cheeks turned a slight pink as my mind created an image of (Y/N) pouting.

Adorable_Dork: Aww well I'll leave you to learn

(Y/N)'s POV

I walked with Misa while also looking at my phone.

Gummy_Bear: Nooo, Math is done and all we're doing is watching movies

Adorable_Dork: Fine I'll stay to talk to you

We entered the classroom and saw the person I hated, Hoshi Miyasato in my seat. We used to be good friends last year, but then she turned into a bitch, ending our friendship. She tries to act friendly with me, but I know she's just faking.

"Hoshi can you get out of my seat" I told her the nicest way possible.

"But...I wanna seat here" Hoshi whined and I sighed annoyed. Misa grabbed my hand and she led me to the other side of the class. We took our seats and I went back to texting Tadashi.

Gummy_Bear: Yay!

Adorable_Dork: So what do you wanna talk about?

Gummy_Bear: Tell me more about your life and I'll tell you about mine

Adorable_Dork: Alright 😊

I waited as he was typing and the teacher walked into the room. She had long black hair, wore a loose white blouse, a black pencil skirt, and some tan heels. She was really pretty and some even mistaken her as a student.

"Good Morning Class. Today the people who passed their exams will be watching movies, while the people who didn't will be re-mediating all the material." The teacher explained and Misa looked at me smirking.

"Well, now you have time to text your lover" Misa cooed and I blushed a dark red.

"Shut up you're so loud!" I yelled at her. She giggled and my phone buzzed on the table.

Adorable_Dork: My name is Tadashi Hamada. I'm 18 years old and go to SFIT. I have a younger brother and an aunt. I love to build robots and taking walks in the park. I hate bot fights, upsetting my aunt and my younger brother sneaking off at night.

Gummy_Bear: My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I'm 17 years old and I go to Jamie Jefferson High School. I have an older brother who no longer lives with me, a mom and dad. I love being on my laptop, eating sweets, drawing, listening to music, and being with my best friend. I hate annoying people, liars, bullies and waking up early.

Adorable_Dork: Interesting...Hey maybe after school you want to meet my friends? My brother sorta told them about you

Gummy_Bear: Umm...Sure 😋 I'm sure they're nice

Adorable_Dork: Great! Well I have to go 😕 Classes are starting

Gummy_Bear: 😢 Nooo I'll be lonely

Adorable_Dork: I'm sorry...I promise to text you after classes are done

Gummy_Bear: Aww Alright, Bye

Adorable_Dork: Bai~

Texting (Tadashi Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now