¢нαρтєя 4

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I opened my phone, taking a break from helping Misa create a robot to enter in SFIT. I checked KIK and saw I haven't answered Tadashi since Science class. I began to panic and typed a quick message.

Gummy_Bear: Soooo sorry I didn't answer! I had class 😞

"(Y/N)!" Misa yelled entering the room dramatically. I looked at her and she threw something on my lap. I looked down and saw a can of orange soda. She sat down on her bed and looked at the little notepad with brainstorms ideas on it.

"Hmm? What should we pick..." Misa laid her head on the palm of her hand and was soon lost in her thoughts. I felt my phone buzz and I looked down.

Adorable_Dork: Aww it's fine 😊 What are you doing?

Gummy_Bear: Hanging out with my friend, how about you?

Adorable_Dork: At the SFIT hanging out with my friends and brother. Hey wanna do the group chat now if you aren't too busy?

I began squealing out of happiness and Misa threw a pillow at the head.

"Stop fawning over your lover and let me concentrate!" Misa yelled and I scooted away from her. She gets scary when it comes to robots...

Gummy_Bear: Sure! I don't mind, I'm not busy at all

Adorable_Dork: Alright, hold up

I looked at my phone and cracked open my orange soda. I took a sip and saw a new chat line. I opened the group chat.

Adorable_Dork: Alright guys this is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is all my friends

Gummy_Bear: Hello Everyone 😄

Honey_Pink: Hiiii My name is Honey Lemon!

Hero_Fred: Yo the name Fred

Nerdy_Wasabi: I'm Wasabi, Nice to meet you 😊

Gogo_Motor: Gogo

'Honey Lemon...Wasabi...Gogo? Those are some...interesting names...probably nicknames' I thought before typing.

Gummy_Bear: Nice to meet you all 😊

Honey_Pink: Tadashi talked a lot about you today!

I blushed terribly. Tadashi...talked about me...Time to fangirl!!!

Adorable_Dork: 😳😳 Honey Lemon!!!

Honey_Pink: *giggles* Sorry Tadashi~

Nerdy_Wasabi: Honey Lemon don't embarrass him

Hero_Fred: So (Y/N), are you planning to visit San Fransokyo anytime soon?

Gummy_Bear: No..I really don't know yet since my parents never really let me leave the state...

Gogo_Motor: That's gotta suck to not have freedom

Adorable_Dork added Gummy_Hiro to the chat

Honey_Pink: Hiro!!! *hugs*

Gummy_Hiro: Uhh...Hi Honey Lemon

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