¢нαρтєя 9

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I jumped off Tadashi and stared at my weird friend.

"(Y/N), why are you here?" Tadashi asked and I looked at him, showing a nervous smile.

"Welll...I may be going to SFIT..." I told him and he seemed to freeze up.

"That's great!" he said wrapping his arms around my body. My face began heating up from the close contact.

'You tackled him before and now you're blushing from embarrassment...well I wasn't really thinking straight' I thought and noticed my hands were lying on his chest.

"Umm...Tadashi? People are staring..." I mumbled and heard the sound of bells in the distance.

"Tadashi?" A male voice said making me jump back with my heart thumping at top speed. I turned around to see Hiro standing there with a group of people behind him.

"(Y/N)!!!" someone yelled wrapping their arms around me in a tight hug. I was startled for a second and then returned the hug.

"Honey Lemon! Nice to see you!" I happily said and looked at everyone else. There was Hiro, Gogo, Wasabi, and Fred standing there looking shocked.

"How did you get here?" Wasabi asked once honey lemon released me from her grip.

"Uhh...Umm...An Airplane?"

"She's going to SFIT" Tadashi butted in and I looked at him, pouting.

"I was going to tell them that.." He smiled sweetly and rubbed my head.

"Sorry shortie," he said.

"Hey (Y/N), do you have someone to stay with?" Hiro asked and I looked at him.

"Yeah, my best friend..Misa!" I looked over at my blonde friend to see her smiling at my phone. I went over and snatched it out of her hands.

"Hey! I was reading that!" She yelled rubbing her body against me, trying to get my phone back. "You and Tadashi are soo cute in your text messages!" That comment sent my cheeks on fire.

'Misa why!?!'

"Hey (Y/N), you alright? Your eyes are tearing up" Fred asked and Misa placed her hands on my cheek, feeling around.

"Awww! She's blushing!" Misa squealed as she gave me a hug. I looked over at Tadashi to see his cheeks tinted pink.

"Can we go somewhere else? Like everyone else is staring" Gogo said popping the gum she was chewing.

"Gogo right. Let's go to the garage." Hiro said walking over to the stair behind the counter. Everyone seemed to follow except for Tadashi. I looked over at him and raises an eyebrow.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked and he shook his head no.

"I promised my Aunt to help her out at the cafe. I'll go to the garage when I'm done" he said and that's when I noticed the red apron he was wearing.

"Okay Dork! See ya~" I told him and followed everyone to the garage. It was very big and things were either scattered on various tables or hung on the wooden wall.

"Hey (Y/N), welcome to the Hamada's Lair!" Hiro said sitting on a chair near a long metal table with a table and covered with tools & robot parts.

"It's..Neat" I said looking around.

"(Y/N) not so interested in inventions" Misa said cracking her fingers, a normal habit of hers.

"But..you're going to SFIT..San Fransokyo Institute of Technology" Wasabi said tilting his head in confusion. I gave him a nervous laugh.

Texting (Tadashi Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now