¢нαρтєя 13

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Adorable_Dork: Are you feeling better?

The first message I woke up to was from Tadashi and it made my day. Especially since he left Baymax at my house till I felt better.

Gummy_Bear: Yeah! I feel better thanks to you 😇

I got out of bed and took my phone with me as I left my room.

"Finally! You're feeling better and not in bed like a dying animal!" Misa commented as she exited the kitchen.

"Thanks for your concern.." I mumbled as the smell of food filled my nose. The scent of breakfast was calling my name. Eggs, Waffles and Bacon were laid out on the table.

"Hurry up and eat because we gotta go to class!" Misa stated pushing me into a seat and a plate of food was shoved in front of me. I raised an eyebrow and watched as she gathered her own.

"Since when are you ever excited to go to school?" I asked as I reached for some food.

"Uhh...Now since we go to this amazing University! I want to go work on my inventions!" She replied a little too quickly.

"You're hiding something from me.." I stated to which she replied by shoving food into her mouth.

"Iws s prise" She said with her mouth full of waffles. Drips of syrup ran down her chin as I looked at her in disgust. She smiled the best she could and reached for a napkin to wipe away her mess. "Don't worry about it! Just shut up and eat!" She continued to eat her food, smiling like an idiot.

"Why am I friends with you again..."

~Time Skip~

"You'll have to start working on the blueprints that were requested to be done..The paperwork at your station," Misa was explaining to me catching me up on what I missed when the taxi stopped moving.

"We're here girls," The Taxi driver said looking at us through his rear mirrors.

"Thank you, Sir!" I said pulling out my wallet to pay the guy. Once I got my change, Misa grabbed me by the hand and dragged me out of the cab.

"Come on!" She yelled pulling my arm with brute force.

"Ow, Ow, Ow! Misa what is your problem!?" I yelled back at her as she continued to bruise my arm as we walked.

"Excitement!" She squealed and I was coming close to the idea that she found drugs and was using them because she was never THIS weird. She dragged me to where my station was and pushed me inside. "Stay in there and don't come out unless you gotta pee!" She slammed the door shut leaving me on the cold metal floor.

"Okay, it's confirmed..She's high." I mumbled to myself before getting my butt off the floor and into my seat. Like how Misa explained there was a stack of papers of invention blueprints people wanted me to draw. I looked to the right of the papers and there was another stack..homework. I groaned and banged my head against the table. "Kill me.."

Misa's POV

I couldn't contain my grin as I pulled out my phone. Three days have passed were (Y/N) was recovering. I spent time with Tadashi and his group of friends where I learned more about them. I managed to get all their phone numbers and pestered Tadashi to answer the question of him liking my best friend. His answer was yes and I managed to convince him that on friday, today he was gonna ask my sis on a date.

Misa: Tadashi! Hurry your butt up! I want this to work!

Tadashi: Where are you?

Texting (Tadashi Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now