¢нαρтєя 8

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I plopped onto my bed exhausted. I had just finished packing up the stuff I was going to take and could no longer feel my arms. I looked at my room covered from head to toe with bags. I moved my legs over a couple of them to reach the door and made my way out. Downstairs, my mom was watching 'Supernatural' and my dad was reading a book one of his co-workers gave to him. He looked up from his book and stared at me.

"Are you done packing?" He asked and I nodded. My mom stood up from her place on the couch and walked over to me. I felt her wrap her arms around my body, pulling me closer.

"We're going to miss you, hun" She said and I smiled.

"I'll miss you too and promise to check in every week" I told her and heard a car honk. I pulled away and looked out the mirror to see Misa's car. I opened the door and saw a blonde blur running up to me. My body was taken down to the floor.

"(Y/N)!! Let's go before we're late for our plane!!" Misa said really loudly.

"M-Misa get off of me.." I told her losing air. She stepped aside and I took deep breaths. Misa then grabbed my arm and pulled me off the ground.

"Let's go!!" She said running up to my room with me behind her. Entering the room, I sighed watching my best friend trying to take all, the bags at once. I walked over and took five bags out of her grasp.

"Thanks!" She said with a happy grin and started humming as she went back downstairs.

"Oh little Misa..Why must you be so weird?" I told myself and felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

"Phone right now is not a good time!!" I yelled struggling to go downstairs while also not trying to drop the bags. My parents were still in the living room talking to Lauren. She promised to drive me and Misa to the airport. My parents glanced at me and I gave them a smile.

"Sweetie..where you talking to your phone again?" She asked and I blushed red. I quickened my pace to the door.

"I swear I'm normal!" I yelled as I placed the bags in the trunk. I sat in the back where Misa was sitting eating chocolate pocky. She looked over at me with a pocky hanging out of her mouth. She reached into her bag and pulled out a new box. I happily took it and reached into my pocket for my phone. There was a message from Tadashi.

Adorable_Dork: Hey!

Gummy_Bear: Yellow!

Adorable_Dork: Yellow??

Gummy_Bear: >/////< I'm in happy pocky moment

I looked out the window and saw Misa's mom wave goodbye to my parents who were standing by the door. She walked down pavement and into the car.

"Ready to go girls?" She asked turning to look at us.

"Yup!" Misa wrapped her arm around my shoulder and glanced down to my phone. "Oooo~ Are you texting the bae?!" I blushed a fierce red and then noticed she took my phone.

"Misa!" I screamed and tried to reach for it, but she kept push me back with her feet. We froze what we were doing when we heard a male voice say hello. I snatched my phone from Misa's hands and looked at the screen to see Tadashi with an eyebrow raised.

"Excuse me for a minute" I said smiling before pushing the mute button and placed the phone on the leather seat. "YOU PUSHED TO FACETIME HIM?!" I yelled and Misa gave me a grin.

Texting (Tadashi Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now