¢нαρтєя 15

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The loud ringtone of my phone was right next to my ear making me groan with annoyance. I snapped out of my dream of being a bad-ass ninja/wizard and adjusted to the bright screen of my phone. I slide the call button to answer the phone call and held the phone near my ear.

"Hello?" I groggily answered wanting to so badly go back to sleep.

"HAPPY VALENTINES DAY SWEETIE!" My mom yelled directly into my ear making me cringe.

"Mom..." I pulled the phone back to look and the time and held it back to my ear to continue. "It's 7:44 in the morning. It's too early and I have classes in the morning."

"San Fransokyo must have a different time zone because over here it's 10:44 am," My mom commented and then I heard some moment in the background.

"Are you socializing with any boys?" The overprotective voice of my father asked and I thought back to Tadashi and the kiss that happened over the weekend. It's been over two days and we haven't really made anything official.

"No, I haven't," I replied not interested in getting a lecture from my dad about staying focused on college and not on boys.

"Good. Stay focus on getting good grades" He said and then seemed to pass the phone back to my mom.

"I should let you get back to sleep so you can head to class later," My mom said and I felt a burst of joy in my body.

"Happy Valentines Day and I promise to make a call later in the day," I said and after saying our goodbyes, placed the phone on my bed and snuggled into my pillow and drifted back to sleep.

~Time Skip~

The warmth coming from the morning sun seeped through my curtains and blinded me, stating it was time to get up. I threw the covers off my body, got out of bed only to hear a distance voice, probably Misa coming from the living room. I followed her loud voice and saw her face extremely close to her phone.

"AWW! I miss you so much! Happy Valentines Day my baby!" She cooed to her phone and I raised an eyebrow. I sneaked behind her back and saw the three year old hyperactive Maltese/Yorkie dog mix that lived with her parents and was like her own baby. She must have seen me on the camera screen because she turned around and gave me a smile before turning back to her camera. "I have to go, buddy. Love you Ace!" Misa stated then pushing the end call button.

"Happy Valentines Day!" I said as she got out of her chair, allowing me to pull her into a bear hug.

"Happy Valentines Day, sister from another mother!" She replied before pulling away from the hug and running to her room. I went into the kitchen and retrieved from the fridge a container with the words "You've got a pizza of my heart!" written on it and inside containing homemade fudge brownies. I heard Misa's footsteps coming closer and I left the kitchen to see my best friend holding a small dog plushie and a bottle of fanta berry. "Will you be my valentine?"

"Of course sis!" I replied as she placed my gifts on the table and stared at the container in my hand.

"Is that-" She tried to create a sentence, but was left tongue-tied.

"Yes. It's my famous double fudge brownies" I said giving her a grin as I placed the batch of brownies in her hands. She ripped the lid off, throwing it across the room and shoved a brownie directly into her mouth.

"Tis si goodddddd!" She yelled as the food muffled some of her words. I patted her head and left to my room so I could get ready. My outfit for school was a tight red shirt, black dress pants, denim leather jacket, and red flats. I tied my hair in a ponytail and grabbed my phone then walked out of the room. Misa was no longer in the living room. I put the fanta in my backpack and grabbed the two containers I had left in the fridge. One of them contained cupcakes I made for all my friends in SFIT while the other one contained cookies for Tadashi. Usually, I would get a ride from Tadashi on his motorcycle, but to carry all of this I decided to ride the bus with Misa. Speaking of the devil, Misa walked out of her room ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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