¢нαρтєя 6

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I woke up hearing noise in the hallway. I slowly sat up, noticing the bright light coming from under the door. There was the faint voices of my parents talking and their footsteps. I looked over to my clock and it read 6:15 am.

'They're getting ready for work' I thought and grabbed my phone from the table next to me.

(Y/N): You still up?

I pushed the send button and made sure my phone was put on silent. The last time I was up this early and was texting someone, my phone went off and I got a lecture from my father.

Misa: Yup! 😂😂 Spent the entire night watching movies in my room

I shook my head at my typical friend.

(Y/N):  Do we have to go to the mall? You know how my parents are..

What I said was right because she knows them VERY well.

'They're always way too over protective of me. They tell me to get out more, but I'm not allowed to go to places alone except for the movies if I'm with friends.' I thought waiting for Misa to answer. I felt the phone vibrate on my chest and I picked it up.

Misa: Not this again...Stop being so god damn scared and..women up! You're still they daughter, but not little! You need to start making your own damn choices!

(Y/N): Well it's sorta hard for me because my whole life I just stayed quiet to have people like me. Besides..I haven't even told them yet about SFIT..

Misa: *sighs and throws a brick* It's been a month since we graduated high school and in another month we have to be in San Fransokyo because classes will start soon! Tomorrow you will talk to your parents about letting you go to SFIT!

(Y/N): If I even get accepted but...Fine

Misa: 😄 You will...Are we still going to the mall? I want to get new clothes before classes start

(Y/N): Yes, we're still going

Misa: Yay! I'll be there at 11:00, don't be late

(Y/N): Kay...Well I'm going to take a cat nap

Misa: 😑 Really?

I put my phone back on the table, letting it charge and grabbed the covers of my blanket. I snuggled close to them and slowly drifted back to sleep.

~Time Skip~

I woke up feeling refreshed and awake. I looked over to my clock and jumped out of bed.

"Shit! It's 10:35!!" I ran into my bathroom and did everything I normally do, but in a rush. I left the bathroom wearing blue skinny jeans, a black rock band t-shirt and my white hightop converse. I reached for my purse on my shelf and left my house. After walking for a while, I made it to the mall. Around two years ago the mall was shut down for remodeling and just recently it reopened. I entered the mall and went in line at the starbucks stand close by.

(Y/N): I'm here where are you??

I waited for a while before going to KIK.

Gummy_Bear: Morning Dork! 😋

Not that long after I got a reply.

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