¢нαρтєя 5

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Misa's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I looked down at the floor and saw (Y/N) still asleep in her sleeping bag.

"Aww, how cute!" I cooed before grabbing my phone. I looked through the alarm setting and pushed the loudest one I could find. I put it to her ear and she sits up quickly from the scare.

"What the heck, Misa?!" She yelled and grabbed a pillow. My eyes widened and I took off with my phone still in my hands.

"Mom!! (Y/N) trying to kill me again!" I yelled entering the kitchen where my mom was making chocolate chip pancakes. My mom sighed and threw a spatula at me.

"Stop waking her up with that alarm then! For god sakes Misa, I can hear it from your room!" My mom yelled at me as I dodged the spatula.

"Your suppose to me on my side!!" I yelled and got hit with a pillow, falling to the floor. (Y/N) huffed as she walked back to my room.


(Y/N)'s POV

I slammed the door shut and threw the pink heart pillow back on Misa's bed.

"Damn Misa..." I mumbled and got into the shower. This was our normal routine since I'm not a morning person. She wakes up early, scares me, and I chase her downstairs then leave her there while I get ready for the day. I got out of the shower and got my outfit ready. Once I was done, I walked back downstairs and the smell of pancakes was in the air.

'Yum..' I skipped into the kitchen to see Misa sitting down eating pancakes. I took a seat next to her and her mom handed me a plate of pancakes.

"Meanie..." Misa mumbled next to me and I glared at her. I cut a piece of the pancakes and shoved it in my mouth. I moaned at the delicious taste of buttermilk chocolate chip pancakes, covered in maple syrup. Lauren took a seat across from Misa and stared at both of us.

"Can we have one peaceful morning without (Y/N) trying to kill you, Misa?" She said sighing a bit at the end. Misa gulped down her pancake and smiled.

"Nope!" She giggled and slugged her arm around my neck. "We're too awesome to be normal!!" I looked over to my blonde best friend.

"Misa...let go of me or I'll stab you with my fork..." I told her and she instantly let me go. I sat back up straight and continued eating my pancakes. Misa gave a few fake sniffles.

"Why must you love food more than me?!"

~Time Skip~

After breakfast, we went into the living room to watch some tv. Misa's mom left awhile after breakfast to head to work. Her mom was a lawyer and her dad was a scientist. Misa may have gotten her mom's looks, but got her dad's interest in robots. Misa went to Netflix and looked through everything they had listed.

"Aren't you doing to text your lover?" Misa said giving me a smirk as she waved the control once in the air. My cheeks heated up and I kicked the side of her thigh.

"Stop calling him that! He has a name and it's Tadashi Hamada!" I yelled and she rubbed the side I kicked her on.

"No need to be so violent..." Misa mumbled and I reached over to give her a hug.

"Sorry~" I told her and she returned my hug.

"...But seriously...text.him." She said pushing play on the movie Insidious: Chapter 2. Okay...she may have an obsession with scary movies, but then again so do I. The movie begins and I pulled out my phone.

Gummy_Bear: Morning 😋

I pushed send and began watching the movie. The couch slightly vibrated and I picked up my phone.

Texting (Tadashi Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now