¢нαρтєя 7

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I heard my phone ring for the fifth time and groaned into my pillow. I slowly moved my hand, reaching for my phone not even bothering to take my head off my pillow.

"Hello?" I tiredly said and heard a loud squeal from the other side of the phone.

"GUESS WHAT (Y/N)?!" The voice said and I slowly sat up.

"Misa why the hell are you calling at...5:37am?!" I growled into the phone annoyed that my precious sleep was disturbed.

"You have to guess or you'll ruin the fun," Misa said and I sighed.

"Can't this wait till the morning? Why are you still up anyways?? Don't you ever sleep?" I questioned her and I heard her gulp down something. "Are you drinking coffee? You know what happened the last time Misa!"

"For your information, it's soda not coffee and since you just have to be a mood killer I'll tell you the great news," She said and took a long pause.

"Out with it women!" I whispered loudly into the phone.

"We've been accepted to SFIT!!" Misa yelled and I felt my blood run cold. My frown slowly began to turn into a wide smile as I squealed out of happiness.

"(Y/N)!!!" I heard my father yell and my eyes widen in fear.

"Gotta go Misa!" I quickly said ending the call and placing my phone back on the table. I grabbed my covers, pulling them over my body and used them to hide the smile on my face. Happily, I drifted back to sleep.

~Time Skip~

I woke up more happy then I've ever been in my life. I skipped downstairs to see my mom and dad by the kitchen.

"Good Morning Sweetie, you seem happy this morning. Want some breakfast?" My mother said kindly as she stood by the stove wearing her normal baby blue apron.

"Sure mom!" I said as I took my seat in front of my dad. He took a sip of his black coffee and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Why were you up so late last night, young lady?" My dad sternly said and I gulped.

'Well I have to tell them either way..' I thought and took a deep breath.

"Well Misa kept calling my phone and I answered...We've been accepted to go to a really good college.." I slowly said looking up from the table I was looking at the whole time.

"Is this because of a boy?" My dad suddenly says and I had to resist not glaring at him.

"Not everything I do is because of a boy!" I accidentally raised my voice and went back to looking at the table.

"All you do is look at your phone and smile like it's the most amazing thing in the world! That's what you were doing last night." My dad said and my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. I heard mom turn off the oven.

"I'm very proud of you, honey!" My mom says kissing my forehead as she placed the plate of food in front of me, ignoring everything my dad said. "What college is it?"

"Well, it's more like a University...San Fransokyo Institution of Technology or SFIT" I said standing up to grab a fork. I heard my father scoff.

"Institution of Technology? You know nothing about machinery" He stated and I calmly sat down.

"I'm going there to write blueprints for the students there.." I took a bite of my food and turned to my mom who drank her coffee. "This is really good!" I told her smiling.

"Thank you, sweetie. Now about this University..Are you sure you want to go?" She asked sounding a little concern, but I just continued smiling.

"Yes, it's what I'm truly sure of!"

Texting (Tadashi Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now