¢нαρтєя 14

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"Misa!!" I yelled running into the living room where my blonde best friend was sitting on her butt eating cheese puffs and watching How's Moving Castle. She ignored me and continued to munch on balls while watching her movie. I walked behind her to grab the remote and pause the movie.

"I was watching that!" Misa yelled as she turned to look at me with a nasty glare.

"Watch it later cause you gotta help me find something to wear!" I said running around the couch as she groaned while I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my room.

"I totes regret giving Tadashi the confidence to ask you out" Misa mumbled as she looked through my clothes. She grabbed various pieces of clothing off their hangers to anaylze them before throwing them to the side. "No...No...Nooo..No!"

"Hey! You'll be picking those up later!" I said jumping off the bed.

"You have the same old clothes and some of them are just...blah! You're wearing my clothes tonight!" Misa grabbed my hand and stepped over the pile of my clothing she created and dragged me to her room. Her favorite color was turquoise as it was the color of her sheets and curtains. She pushed me onto her black bean bag chair and walked over to her closet. She pushed clothes through her closet and after some of her brilliant observations, she pulled some clothing off the racket and tossed it on top of my head. "Go change while I pick out some shoes!"

'I wonder if asking for help was the best choice..' I thought as I removed the clothing from my head and walked into her bathroom. I removed the straps of my bra and looked at the outfit my best friend chose for me. It was a white cotton shoulder off top and a maroon skirt. 'I normally don't wear skirts, but not bad' I thought taking one more looking in the mirror before walking out to meet Misa.

"Perfect! I'm so stylish!" Misa stated once she saw me. "Here!" She tossed me a black shoe box and I opened it to see black flats with a tiny gold bow. Thankfully, Misa and I are around the same size in clothing so her shoes were able to fit on me. "There your outfit is complete! Now go finish getting yourself ready and I'll go back to watching my movie" Misa said as she gave me a kick hug and ran out of her room to the living room. I followed her but instead of going into the living room I made my way back to my quite messy room

"Damn Misa.." I mumbled as I grabbed my makeup bag and phone. I clicked on the home button and noticed there was a message from Tadashi.

Adorable_Dork: Hey! I'll see you in half an hour!

I looked at the time it was sent and the current time and realized I had ten minutes to finish getting ready. I walked into the bathroom and turned on my favorite playlist. I grabbed one of the brushes from my basket and began brushing it and occasionally spraying it to keep the hair smooth. Since I didn't have much time I kept it straight and moved on to the makeup. I wasn't much of a makeup person so I kept a natural hue with a hint of white. Creating a wing eyeliner I then curled my eyelashes and applied some mascara. I finished it off with a matte pink lipstick before cleaning up. Once I finished I walked out of the bathroom and saw Misa picking up my clothes she dropped. She glanced up from the pile and woof whistled.

"My bestie is looking hot!" Misa said and she gave me a smirk. "Don't do something I wouldn't do."

"What is something you wouldn't do?" I asked her and she glared. From a distance there was a knock at the door.

"Your lover is here!" Misa cooed as she stood up and ran out of my room. My heart was beating fast as I followed Misa to the living room. There was Misa talking to Tadashi who was wearing a white button up shirt, black pants and black shoes. His hair was nicely combed and his face was pink from Misa telling him not to try anything. "Now both of you leave so I can enjoy a night to myself" Misa said pushing the both of out the door. "Be back at nine o'clock or later!" were her final words before she slammed the door and let the door lock.

Texting (Tadashi Hamada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now