¢нαρтєя 12

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Misa's POV

I got out of the shower and changed into my clothes. I looked at the time and saw that (Y/N) hasn't woken up yet.

'That damn girl..' I thought marching up to my best friend's room.

"Wake up child!!" I yelled slamming the door open. I noticed the covers moving up and down to her breathing, but (Y/N) did not move an inch. I moved closer and removed the covers from her face. "(Y/N). Get. up!" I said giving her a shake. Her skin felt warm and to make sure I was correct, I felt her forehead and it felt hot.

'Great...She has a fever' I thought and heard her phone buzz on the table. I picked it up and saw it was a message from Adorable_Dork. I typed in her password and looked at the message.

Adorable_Dork: Hey (Y/N)! Want me to drive you to school?

Gummy_Bear: This is her amazing super fabulous friend! (Y/N) ended up getting a fever and can't go to school today

Seconds later the message was opened and answered.

Adorable_Dork: Really?? Are you going to miss school to help her out?

Gummy_Bear: No. I have to take notes for class and start working on my robot 

Adorable_Dork: Hmm..I can help by bringing Baymax over so he can be her nurse until I get out of classes at noon. I can go check on her right after

Gummy_Bear: Perfect! 

Hey! I have a question? :3

Adorable_Dork: Yes?

Gummy_Bear: Do you like (Y/N)?

Adorable_Dork: I'll see you in 20 minutes with Baymax!


~Time Skip (Y/N)'s POV ~

I woke up feeling my head heavy, hot and a splitting pain in my skull. I slowly moved my head to the left and groaned as my vision was mostly blurry.

"What's happening? Ughh, I don't feel so good" I mumbled to myself and heard what sounded like an inflation of a balloon.

"Hello, I am Baymax, you're personal healthcare companion" I heard a robot like voice say not that far away from me.

"Huh? T-That voice sounds familiar..." I said and groaned in pain as I tried to remember where I heard it from.

"From a scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate your pain?" The voice continued and I try my hardest to focus on the white blurry blob in front of me. After a few seconds I manage to figure out what the blob was. It was Tadashi's robot, Baymax. He must have left it here to take care of me. My cheeks would probably turn red at the thought of Tadashi if they already weren't flushed from being sick.

"Uhh...I have a headache, sore throat, stuffy nose, and my muscles ache." I answered the puffy marshmallow. "I guess 8."

"Scanning now," Baymax said as he flashed a green light up and down my body. "Scan complete. Symptoms show a fever." Baymax said and suddenly I felt my body go from hot to cold. I looked down and saw Baymax laying down on me glowing light blue.

"Wow, that feels amazing..." I sighed in relief as I felt my body begin to cool down.

"Are you satisfied with your care?" Baymax said but couldn't answer because I was fast asleep.

~Time Skip~

"(Y/N)...(Y/N)..." I heard my name being called numerous times, but I didn't feel like waking up.

"Leave me in peace.." I groaned and then felt my cold marshmallow leave. "Baymax~"

"(Y/N)." I forced my eyes open and saw what looked like to be Tadashi wearing angel wings and a diaper.

Tadashi's POV

"Tadashi? Why are you wearing a diaper...and angel wings?" (Y/N) asked as she cracked her eyes open just a jar.

"(Y/N), that's you're fever talking" I told her as I felt her still hot forehead.

"Of course not silly" She commented back and I helped her sit up.

"I know you may not feel well, but you still need to eat" I stated taking a seat next to her while pulling the bowl of chicken soup closer to me. I grabbed a spoonful of the soup and placed it near her chapped lips. "Open wide." I watched as she opened her lips slightly, enough for the liquid to slip past her lips and down her throat. I repeated this action till the bowl was finished. I moved the bowl off my lap and stood up to help her lay back down.

"You're so nice, Tadashi. This is one of the reasons I love you.." She mumbled with a goofy grin on her face. I blushed at her words and shook my head.

"Your fever talking again," I said and saw her smile turn into a frown.

"I'm serious! I really do love you. You're one of the nicest, smartest, most thought-fullest people I've ever known. Not to mention cutest." She continued with the grin back on her face. I couldn't help but smile as well.

'I hope your words are true...' I thought to myself before I kissed her forehead.

"Sleep well my Gummy Bear," I whispered into her ear before I turned off her light and took the bowl into the kitchen.  

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