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It's been a week since Bella and Edward's wedding, and Jacob is still sour about it; he never really moved on from his crush on the girl. Things were going back to normal for the pack and the Cullens; there were no wars or intruders passing through, and both were enjoying their time with their families.

But not for Verena Cullen. The hybrid has been dreaming of her ancestors, who told her that a danger was coming and she needed to end it for its release. She didn't know what it meant, but she knew it was not just a dream; it was a warning. Paul had noticed her behaviour as being distant and always in deep thought. He tried to ask her, but she always shrugged it off like it was nothing.

Verena stood in the dark place. She couldn't see anything except being surrounded by people whose hair was as white as a cloud. She knew who they were; they were Drakos descendants. Her ancestors. All of them were reciting the same word over and over again every time she slept. The same dream she's been having for a week. She tried to look for her mother, but she was never found. 

"You must destroy it before it's too late!"

"It shouldn't been born just like you!"

"You and your mother are disgrace to Drakos blood!"

"Redeem yourself as a Drakos by terminating the danger and you will have a spot with us unlike you mother."

Verena didn't know what to do. She felt overwhelmed. Her eyes always teared up when they talked bad about her mother, Dhaenyra. She might hate her mother for making her what she was, but Dhaenyra was her mother; she gave birth to her. She was a good mother until the love of her life was taken from her too soon. All Verena could do was cry like the pathetic person she truly was. She was a frail little girl before she became immortal. She tried to wake up but couldn't. She attempted to flee this ancestral plane by running. 


The hybrid's eyes sprung open. Her gaze was diverted to Paul, who was sitting up beside her.

"You were crying in your sleep, Ver. This has been happening for a week. You have to tell me what's wrong." Paul soothed her, wiping her tears.

"It's nothing, Paul. It's just a nightmare." She explained.

"You always said that and yet you always cry in your sleep and it worries me, Verena." 

Paul knew his imprint wouldn't say anything. He wanted her to have faith in him. He felt they were getting better. They never revealed their relationship but began to fall for her. Everything she does has the ability to make him happy; even being near her has the chance of resolving his troubles. He couldn't tell if she felt the same way he did, but he noticed how she stared at him—well, everyone noticed how they looked at each other, but no one said anything.

"You don't have to worry about me, Paul. I'm not going to break like I'm a piece of glass." She assured him. 

She could sense something was wrong as she rose from Paul's bed. She stood up, her hands on her chest, motionless. The protection spell she had put on Bella had been undone, and that was not good.

"Verena?" Paul questioned.

"I got to go. I'll call you later." And with that, she dashed to the Cullen home, leaving Paul alone. He was used to being left alone whenever her family was in jeopardy.

+ + +

The hybrid rushed inside the house, towards the living room. Everyone was there, including Edward and Bella, who came back early from their honeymoon. Gloomy, undecided and anger painted all over their faces. 

"What's going on? I know something is wrong." Verena stated. She shifted her focus to Bella, who was saddened. Nobody responded to her query. They were all looking down, afraid of her reaction. Carlisle believed it would be best if she didn't know until the hybrid arrived, but that all changed when she rushed in.

"Answer me!" She demanded, and her voice echoed throughout the house.

"Bella's pregnant." Carlisle answered.

Verena's gaze swiftly shifted to Bella. She couldn't believe her eyes. This could not be true; it was unthinkable. Because Edward is a vampire, he is unable to reproduce. Verena's expression was bewildered as she sought to figure out how Bella had been knocked up.

"We didn't know how it happened." Carlisle explained. 

"How long?" She asked. 

"What?" Alice questioned.

"How long were you guys planning to keep me out from this? You know, since everyone already knows, " Her tone was venomous. The mood of the room shifted. They were each staring at each other.

"I thought it would be best if you-"

"Fuck off, Carlisle. I thought we are family. I should've know."

Carlisle bowed his head, embarrassed by his decision to keep her in the dark. Verena just stood there staring at Bella's stomach, listening to her heartbeat. It has a slower heartbeat than a normal infant should have.

"We should get rid of it." Edward expresses his point of view.

"Edward." Bella said.

Verena looked to Carlisle for an explanation based on science.

"I can't see anything with ultrasound, even needle couldn't penetrate it." 

She approached Bella and kneeled in front of her. She didn't even wait for Bella's permission before laying her hand on her growing stomach. Her gaze was drawn to the shattered necklace she had given to the human.

"I think it somehow took the protection spell I had on Bella to keep itself safe." She concluded. 

Verena remembered having had a dream about danger approaching and that Bella's pregnancy was not a coincidence.

" We have to kill it." She stated strongly.

"No!" Bella refused.

"Bella, I have been dreaming that a danger is coming and you being pregnant is not a coincidence. We have to get rid of it before its too late." She explained. 

The human rose to defend herself. She was not going to give up her child. She wants to become a mother.

"Bella, even if Verena was right, you wouldn't be able to carry the fetus." Alice stated.

"Think about it, Bella. I can't lose you." Edward pleaded. 

"Edward, I want this. I'm strong, I can handle this."

Everyone falls silent as they await Verena's response. She stated that the unborn could be a threat to their world; it had to count for something. 

"As soon as it is born and I sense something is wrong or something bad happened to Bella, I'm killing it. No question asked." With that she retreated to her room. 

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My class has started and i might be busy with uni so sorry in advance. 

Verena [Paul Lahote]Where stories live. Discover now