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The day they had been anticipating has arrived. The newborns came to Forks for a war. A war they can't win as long as the family stays together, especially now that Verena is back.

"Verena, couldn't you do some witchy woo so this thing wouldn't end up in bad blood?" Emmett asked.

"No, Emmett, that's not how my power works. Not anymore." She frowned while answering her brother's stupid question. Theoretically, she can, but using that much power will tip off her enemies. She knew her enemies were tracking her by her magic; therefore, using a lot of magic was a bad idea.

Verena's senses heightened as soon as she heard the newborns coming. A bunch of red eyes were staring at the Cullens, supposedly trying to scare them off. All hell breaks loose at that moment. 

(Im so sorry, idk how to write fight scene. I sucked at it)

They were all fighting the newborns alongside the wolves.The newborns were taken back after seeing the wolves, since they had no idea that shifters exist.

Paul and Verena fought side by side like they had been fighting together forever. The bond they had together made them a perfect team.

Verena got a hold on the newborn's head and forced him to look into her eyes. Her pupil dilated, meaning she was compelling him.

"I want you to rip off your own head." She compelled him. He obeyed her orders and did as he was told.

The Cullens and the wolves managed to kill all of the newborns. Verena dragged her victim to the fire and burned them.

She looked at her surroundings to make sure that she had burned every single newborn when she realised there was a girl standing behind Esme.

"Why is she still standing?" Verena asked. She sped towards Esme, intending to finish what they started.

"No, Verena. She didn't want to fight. Carlisle and I want to help her."

Verena eyed the girl. She felt sorry for her, getting caught in the middle of their war. "What's your name?" She asked the girl.


Verena nodded. She felt a responsibility to protect that girl.

"The Volturi are coming, at least the guards." Alice informed them.

"How long?" Edward asked her.

"Not long, maybe ten minutes,"

"The wolves need to go; they won't tolerate the treaty we have." Carlisle suggested. Verena somehow found her eyes looking at Paul.

"Leah, don't!" Verena yelled as soon as she saw that the wolf girl was attacking a newborn that they had missed.

That's when Jacob stepped in and broke his ribs. Verena finished the job by ripping the vampire's head off.

"His entire ribs are broken." "I need to get them in the right place before the healing begins," Carlisle said as he examined Jacob, who was crying in pain.

"We don't have much time; they're coming." Alice said.

"Bring him back home; I'll come as soon as I can." Carlisle informed.

Not long after the wolves were gone, the Volturi came. Until this day, Verena still hated these arrogant Italian scumbags.

"I see that we missed the fun." Jane said.

"If you came an hour early, you wouldn't miss it." Verena answered bitterly, her voice laced with disgust.

"I see you missed one," Jane observed, pointing out that they had saved Bree's life.

"We offered her asylum for her surrender." Carlisle explained the reason she's still alive.

"That's not your choice to make. The Volturi don't give a second chance."

Jane locked her gaze on Bree, causing her to drop to her knees and scream in agony.

"You don't have to do that; she'll tell you anything." Esme pleaded.

"I know," Jane said without sympathy.

"Riley won't tell us anything. He said our thoughts weren't safe." The girl was still in pain.

"It was Victoria. You know her, right?" Edward asked.

"If the Volturi knew, they wouldn't have let this happen. Right, Jane?" Carlisle questioned them.

"Of course. Felix, finish her." Jane instructed.

"No." Verena's voice was stern. She won't let the girl die.

"No?" Jane looked at the hybrid, thinking she was joking.

"I won't let you kill her. She's with us; we'll take full responsibility for her."

"That's not your call, hybrid." Felix jumped in.

"Oh really? Do you really forget your place? You, youngsters, are very arrogant." She sped up to the Volturi, and stood eye to eye with Jane. An unknown force was chocking Jane, leaving a crack on her neck.

Everyone could feel the power shifting around them. Carlisle had never felt anything like this before. Verena intentionally let some of her power out to show them who was in charge.

"Fine, the girl lives." Alec butted in to save his sister. The force was immediately gone after he said that. Jane was gasping for air like she needed it.

"Now leave. Send my regards to Aro."


Carlisle had gone to the reservations to aid Jacob. At first, Verena wanted to go with him, but she felt like she needed to comfort the new girl.

"You don't need to worry. We can teach you how to handle the thirst." Verena assured Bree.

"Please, you're thousands of years old, and you still can't control your thirst." Emmett rolled his eyes.

She sent a glare at him. "Shut up, Emmett. Do you want to be Jane right now?"

Emmett raised his hand in defeat.

"Thank you for sparing my life. I owed you guys." Bree said she was feeling thankful. She was only 15 when this happened. She was supposed to go to college and live her dream life, but everything was gone now.

"Come on, you can share my room. We have to wait until Emmett cleans the attic for you." Verena offered her hand to show Bree her room. She felt affection for the young girl.

"Since when did we agree on me cleaning the attic?" Emmett complained.

They ignored Emmett and went to Verena's room.

Bree looked around the room. The walls were a soft brown, and an open window let in moonlight, making the room bright even at night.

Shelves full of books and a lot of antique stuff that Bree didn't recognised.

"You like books?" Verena asked her, noticing Bree was staring at her book collection.

"No, there were days when I tolerate them. What kind of books are these?" Bree took out one of the grimoires that Verena has.

"That's my grimoire. It contains spells that I created."

"So you're a witch?"

"Not really. I'm half witch, half vampire. But that's a story for later. Go clean up now. There are a few clothes that I think could fit you. Just go through my closet, I don't mind." They both did not share the same size since Verena was on the curvy side and Bree was a small girl.

Before Verena could get out to give the girl some space, Bree held her hand to stop her.

"Thank you for saving my life."

Verena gave her a genuine smile. "I see myself in you. You didn't deserve this. "If my mother had given me the option, I would not have chosen this life."

Verena [Paul Lahote]Where stories live. Discover now