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Verena scanned her surroundings; it was different than the usual dark place she would be when she was dreaming. This time, no ancestors surrounded her. It was just her and a house. She knew that house. She grew up in it. She walked slowly towards her childhood home, opened the front door, and stepped inside. The house was eerily quiet, with only the sound of a fire from the fireplace. The table was filled with dust, like no one had lived there for a long time. Candles all around the house were the only source of light. She took a glance at every inch of the home, seeing how it used to be. She walked inside her old bedroom; everything was the same—just a bed and side table that her father made. It was not much since she grew up in a different time.

"Verena," a voice whispered.

The hybrid recognized that voice. It was her mother. She turned around quickly to see her mother standing behind her. She looked distraught, and frankly, she was quite the same the day that Verena killed her.


Dhaenyra reached out, lovingly holding her daughter's cheek. "My little witch, my princess." She said quietly.

That was the nickname that her parents used to call her when she was growing up. Her eyes welled up with tears as she remembered the good old days. Every resentment she felt towards her mother vanished the minute her mother called her that. She only wants to see her mother. Verena leaned in to her touch, savouring the experience.

"I am sorry for what I have done to you, my love." Dhaenyra expressed her regret. She was sorry for what she had done to her own daughter.

Verena did not respond. She just sobbed.

"I was blinded by rage and lost when you father died. I should've not used you as a place where I can express my feelings. You were so young. You deserved to have a man or woman and have your own family just like I did. I forgive you for killing me, it was your best decision. But seeing how terrible you become made me realized that from the beginning it was my fault. You may be the villain, but I am the author who created you and for that I'm sorry, little witch." She continued.

Both Drakos women were in tears. Verena wrapped her arms around her mother. She can forgive her mother but not forget what she did. All the individuals she had slaughtered for thousands of years as a result of what her mother had made her.

"I forgive you, mama." She whispered.

Dhaenyra smiled at her daughter before changing to a serious expression, making Verena frown at the sudden change.

"I need you to listened very carefully. There's a reason why the ancestors has been pestering you the whole time. I tried everything in order to protect them but they are growing every single day, getting powerful and making them hard for me to protect them from here. The ancestors sense it before I could do anything. It was the least thing I could do after all this time. I hide here most of the time so I could watch for you both. This will be your redemption, Verena. I tried lifting the curse I put on you but it didn't work and I'm sorry but you and Paul deserve your happiness." She explained.

"Mama, Renesmee is fine. She is innocent." Verena concludes that she was referring to Bella's daughter because she mentioned ancestors.

Dhaenyra shook her head quickly. "No, little witch, I'm not talking about the human." She denies it.

"The who?" Verena questioned.

"I'm talking about you. You're with children, a twins, Verena. I've tried to hide it for as long a I could but it was stronger than me and I couldn't do it anymore. I've been keeping them safe for a month but one of the twins are too powerful for me to concealed it from the ancestor. I managed to keep the other one hidden, that's why the ancestors only mentioned one person."

"Mama, that's impossible. I'm dead, I can't be pregnant."

"You're half witch. The witch side making you a human, therefore, you can carry a child and sleeping with your mate makes it everything happens."

Verena took a step back. This couldn't be happening. Paul wouldn't believe her. Nobody would believe her.


Dhaenyra stopped her off as she was about to say something.

"Listen, I don't have much time. They will know that I'm with you but do everything you can to protect them. Don't be like me and don't listened to the ancestors. They hated be for being different and they sure as hell will hate your children for being different too. Remember what I said. I love you, my little witch."

Verena snapped her eyes wide. She was alone in her room. She couldn't tell if the dream was real or not. She proceeded into the living room to find Carlisle, Esme, and Rosalie there while the others went on a hunt. The sound of a baby laughing could be heard.

The hybrid sat next to Rosalie, who was holding Renesmee.

"You woke up late today," Rose stated.

She just sighed, holding Renesmee's finger.

"It's only been a day but she looks like she a week old?" Verena questioned. 

"Her growth is unprecedented. She grows quickly than a normal baby." Carlisle explained.

"Will she grow old?" She inquired once more.

"We don't know, Carlisle tried everything he could." Esme answered.

"Has Bella woken up yet?"

"Not yet, the morphine slowed down the transition. She will wake up in a few days." Carlisle said.

Verena gave a nod. She focused her entire concentration on Renesmee. The girl is so stunning that she can't believe she once wanted to murder an innocent infant. Renesmee extended her hand. Verena cast a quick glance towards Rose.

"Let her do her thing. You would be surprise." Rose explained with a smile.

Renesmee places a small palm on the hybrid's cheeks. Everything she remembered about the hybrid flashed back to her, from the time Verena walked into the living room through her fiddling with the baby's finger.

"She's gifted?"

Rose nodded.

Verena pinched the baby's cheek as she smiled at her. She turned to face Carlisle, motioning her head to his room, indicating that she needed to speak with him alone.

+ + +

They entered Carlisle's study, and Verena cast a spell to prevent anyone from listening in.them.

"What do you want to talk about?" Carlisle asked.

"Can you do an ultrasound on me?"

Carlisle was startled. "Why?"

"Just do it, I'll you later."

Carlisle did what she asked him to do. "I don't see anything, Verena. What are you trying to say?" He frowned.

"My mother told me that I'm pregnant in my dream." She simply said.

Carlisle paused whatever he was doing to listen for any heartbeat.

"I don't hear any heartbeat." He informed.

"I know, that's why I asked you to do an ultrasound on me."

"What else did she say?"

"She's been protecting—" Verena came to a halt, realising she was missing something.

"What's wrong?" Carlisle wondered, concerned.

"Of course, she put a spell to protect them."

Verena closed her eyes and placed her right palm on her exposed stomach, preparing to recite a spell to break the protection spell. As soon as the spell was broken, Verena and Carlisle exchanged wide-eyed glances when they both heard two strong heartbeats that were quicker than Renesmee's.

Carlisle rapidly scans her stomach for the second time, revealing two foetuses inside.

"Two miracles in one year," Carlisle murmured.

"Well, I'm fucked."

Verena [Paul Lahote]Where stories live. Discover now