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It had been a week since Bella's awaken and Verena found out that she was pregnant. The only who knew about it was Carlisle. The hybrid didn't know how to tell the others, especially the father of her baby. He definitely wouldn't believe her, he already said she was dead, she couldn't possibly be pregnant.

Verena tried to find answers of how did this happened. There's nothing that was functioning in her body. The day she got her last period was the day she turned into a vampire. If she could procreate, she would have thousands of children with the time she had her fun with men. Carlisle got a theory that maybe being with a mate makes her body 'normal'. The hybrid didn't know what to believe.

Verena stood infront of full body mirror, touching her slightly swollen stomach. The growth of her children were fast but not as fast as Renesmee. A week gone by she already looked like she was 13 weeks pregnant. How come she didn't noticed it before?

"I would definitely have you guys just to spite my ancestors," she thought.

She looked down in heartbreak. She wished that Paul was there with her. They never talked about kids before. That topic never crossed their mind at all. All they wanted was to have fun, at least for Verena. Paul always wanted something serious and long term, but he didn't want to rush her so he waited.

+ + +

Paul scanned his surrounding, staying alert, not wanting any intruders came through the territory. He was mindlessly looking around until he sniff something that he had been waiting to smell. The moment it hit his nose, he knew who it was. He tried to contain his excitement, not wanting to show that he was waiting for her.

"Paul." That voice. That lovely voice. Her voice was like a song to him. He could listen to her stories all day if he can. The way she called his name, telling old stories about her old life, everything about her excites him. He loved everything about her. Her eyes, her smile, her beauty mark on her wrist, everything. He wanted to smile at her but ego consumed him. Frown was all over his face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He spat.

Verena fiddled with the hem of her shirt. She doesn't even know if a hybrid can have anxiety or not because right now, she was nervous.

"I wanted to see you." She barely whisper knowing Paul would heard her.

His gaze softened at her but quickly put on hard gaze.

"Get out of here. I don't want to see you."

Liar. He thought. He's been missing her the entire months they had been apart. He avoid going back to his house because all he could smell was her.

"Please, Paul. There's something I need to tell you," she said softly. She strode closer to Paul.

Paul stood his ground, letting her get close go him. He could smell something different from her, it smell like him and her combined but he couldn't find it.

"How are you?" She asked him.

"Stop acting like you actually care," he said bitterly.

Verena looked down in disappointment. She genuinely wanted to know his well being.

"I'm trying to be civil, Paul."

"For what? There's nothing going on between us."

"What about the bond?"

"Fuck the bond. You used to think like that remember?" He scoffed.

The hybrid was lost at words. He was right. She never really cares about it, not until when she actually falls for him. The way he treats her changed her mind.

"I want to fix it, Paul. Give me a chance."

He scoffed. "Fix what? There's nothing to fix."

She stared at him, trying to think whether she should tell him or not. Paul deserves to know, he's the father.

"I'm pregnant." She said, keeping eye contact with him.

Paul was shock. There was no possibility they could procreate, well at least for him until he stop phasing. But it's not possible right? Sure, everytime they did it, they never consider using protection because they thought it's not possible.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He blurted after being silence for a good seconds.

She walked closer to him, eye to eye. "Listen closely," she said softly.

Paul did what she said. True to her words, he heard two strong heartbeats. He backed away, still trying to comprehend everything.

"No, that can't be. You're tricking me."

"I'm not playing with you, Paul. Carlisle did an ultrasound on me and it's real." She explained.

"You're dead!" He yelled.

"You think I didn't know?! I don't even know that it was possible!"

Both of them were silenced. Paul keep staring at her stomach, her baggy shirt hides her growing belly. That's where the weird smell was coming from. It was his children's smell. Verena could feel her eyes pooling with tears. She wanted everything went back to normal. She missed being with him. He walked towards her slowly, reaching his right hand on her stomach. His eyes flickered to her eyes for permission to touch her, she nodded. When he finally touch her belly, he could feel the connection he had with the babies. The corner of his lips curled up.

"Twins?" He asked quietly.

"Yes." She answered softly.

He didn't answered her but keep his right hand on her belly. His other hand trailed up to the side of her face, staring at her teared up eyes.

"Don't cry," he whispered.

Verena try not to cry but when Paul said that she was full on sobbing. He wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"Hey, I said don't cry." He said.

"It's hard not to cry when you said that." She answered between sob.

He pulled her in a hug, wrapping his hand around her figures. God knows how long he waited for this moment to happen. To have her in his arms.

"Who else knows about this?" He asked

"You and Carlisle. I haven't tell the others. I wanted to tell you first."


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Hello everyone. Sorry for the long updates. Im busy with school and that's why i couldn't update. I didn't expect for people to read this to be honest but enjoy!

Also, this will be unedited so my grammar will be bad but feel free to correct me and i will edit it later.

Verena [Paul Lahote]Where stories live. Discover now