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Third POV

She felt the danger coming. Ever since her awakening, she knew that something bad would happen. She didn't like how many humans were disappearing.

"It's getting worse." "We're going to have to do something." Carslisle, turn off the TV. Verena kept staring at the TV; all she could feel was rage. She wanted to kill them. She didn't pay attention to what the family said. She was planning her own plan, which was to kill them, and everyone knew that she could take them on her own.

Jasper's explanation about newborns was lost on her.She could care less about them.

"Someone is creating an army," she stated. Silencing everyone in the room

"Well, now we're definitely going to Seattle." Emmett was the only one who was excited to kill those newborns. She smiled at his antics. That man may be big, but he acted like a child all the time.

"If we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will." "I'm surprised they've let it go on this long," said Carlisle.

Verena scoffed at the mention of Volturi. Those royal scumbags She despised the Volturi ever since she stayed with them. She was thankful when Carlisle decided to leave those Italian scumbags.

"What makes you think they were not behind this?" "For all I know, it could be them creating the army so he could get what he wants." Verena had a feeling that the Volturi knew, but they acted like they didn't. They have been trying to recruit Alice for years. They wanted Alice.

"Verena's right. In Italy, I read Aro's mind. "He wants me and Alice to join him, but he knows we'll never choose him as long as our family's still alive." Edward agreed with her.

"An army can solve the problem for him," said Jasper.


Verena decided to go for a hunt. She hadn't eaten in days.Although she can survive on human food, she still needs blood to be strong. Verena Cullen hunts on the wolves' side, as she stated she doesn't care about the treaty.

She could hear the heavy steps, but she continued to devour the deer. The taste of animal blood gagged her, but that's all she could drink for now. She can leave Forks to hunt, but that would leave her family unprotected.

"You should not do that on our land." Sam said it as a warning.

Verena looked up at him. He was not alone. Paul and Jared were with him too. She wiped the remaining blood that was dripping from her mouth while maintaining eye contact with the alpha.

"As I mentioned to Jacob the other day, the treaty meant nothing to me. You should be thankful that it wasn't a human."

"Why didn't you hunt humans then? Didn't you get red-eyed that night?" Jared inquired. He was looking at her with curiosity. They still didn't know who she was.

"Well, you'll have to feed me human blood to wake me up. That's why I got red eyes, and now my eyes are back to normal. No more red." When she is well fed, her eyes will be dark brown like human eyes.

"What do you mean by waking you up?" This is the first time she has heard Paul's voice. She felt weird hearing his voice, but she decided to push it away.

She opened her mouth to answer his question, but the moment they made eye contact, Paul froze. She frowned at his actions. He just stared at her. Sam and Jared looked at Paul.

"Are you for real, Paul?" Jared whined like a little kid.

"It's not my fault, Jared."

"We'll talk about this later," said Sam.

She knew what had happened. She lived too long to know everything.

"Paul imprinted on me, did he?" She asked for confirmation. They looked at her; surprise was written all over their faces.

"You knew?" Paul was studying his imprint.

"What? You think I didn't know? I have been living for a long time, boys. I know everything."

"Good, then I don't have to talk to you about it anymore," said Paul. 'She's pretty but scary. I hate that I know nothing about her.' He thought.

"Who says I wanted to talk to you?"

Paul POV

I would be lying if I said that sentence didn't hurt me, coming from my own mate. After she said that, she just disappeared. Vampires. Or not.

Not knowing her species bugs me. I want to know who my mate is. I think this is my punishment for being a dick this whole time. Having a leech as a mate, I should feel like punishment, shouldn't I?

"Paul, you're fucked now," said Jared. I just gave him the look. I don't have the energy to fight with him right now.

"I can't believe the one who used to be our nightmare is Paul's imprint." "You're really fucked, bro." This Embry really makes me want to lose control.

"Stop it. She's part of the pack now. Respect her. In fact, she's the reason she got the gift to protect our tribe. You guys should be thankful to her." Emily puts a muffin on the table. She was right; Verena Cullen is a part of the pack no matter what. Being an imprint automatically makes you family.

"It's up to you, Paul." She's your imprint. Your choice." stated Sam.

"I'll deal with her later." 


Verena's POV


That's all I could say. After thousands of years of being alive, now I get to have a mate? Now I know why I had the urge to put myself to sleep for 100 years so I would not encounter him. I hate this. I hate having a weakness. I know that he will be my weakness one day. I used to think that I would not have a mate. I'm fine being alone, but now that I have him, everything has changed.

No matter what I do, the bond will pull us together. I'm currently crying in my room.I know if I went outside, everyone would know something was wrong with me.

"You looked like you needed someone to talk to." Rosalie sits next to me on my bed.

"You know, there's a reason why I stayed in my room, right?"

"I know. But I couldn't help myself. Tell me, what's on your mind?"

"I found my mate."

Verena [Paul Lahote]Where stories live. Discover now