4 - Let The Games Begin

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The sudden door slam made the whole group turn around and see Taylor running down the hallway.

"GUYS! You're never going to believe what just happened!" She came over looking terrified.

"What happened?" Izzy grabbed her.

"I went to go grab my phone right? When I grabbed my phone I looked to see if my mom texted me, she didn't by the way, and as I was looking down I saw someone out of the corner of my eye run past me towards the bathroom. So I don't know why but I decided to walk over to the bathroom, when I got close to the doorway I heard the shower curtain rattle? Like someone was getting in or out of the shower! So I called out to make sure it wasn't one of you guys, but when nobody replied the room got super cold!! Thats when I ran out of there to tell you guys!" Taylor rambled on.

The three stared at Taylor wide eyed not knowing what to say before they all ran back into the room.

"I'll check the bathroom, you guys look around. Make sure nobody else is in here." Sam shouted as he walked into the bathroom.

A few moments go by.

"There's nobody in here" Colby yelled out of the closet.

"Nobody in here either. How the hell did you hear the shower move?" Sam shouted.

"Well how do you explain it?? I'm not lying" Taylor said.

"No, no, we believe you Taylor. It's just insane! We've been here for what 2 hours?" Colby said with a big grin on his face.

"This is gonna be a crazy night guys" Isabella said as she grabbed her camera again. "Let's go find some ghosts, huh?"


A few hours went by before we had finished filming the tour, we decided to go to get some food before heading back and doing some paranormal investigations.

It was around 7pm when we got back to the Queen Mary. The boys decided that we should try and use the spirit box, we picked a random closet in the Queen Mary that we had seen on the tour and went inside.

The boys set up the tools while the girls set up the cameras.

"Hey, do you see that?" Colby said while staring at the wall.

"What?" Me and Sam said at the same time.

Colby points at the wall where there are two small handprints on the wall.

"Woah. Freaky" Taylor said and pressed her hand against one of the prints, she quickly pulled her hand away and looked towards us.

"You okay?" I say concerned and walk closer to the girl.

"Ya I just got a weird feeling when I did that, I think I just freaked myself out" she laughs awkwardly.

"Shall we start?" Sam says as him and Colby are sitting in the floor with the spirit box.

We all sat down in a circle and Colby asked the first question. "Is there anyone in the room with us?"


"Is there anyone who wants to talk to us?" I say.


There's a small knock from behind where we're all sitting.

"Who made that knocking sound?" Colby asked.

"Me" we all jump and stare at the spirit box.

"Who's me?"

"I'm here"

"Thank you for answering us, can you tell us your name?" Colby says while looking around the room.

All I Wanted Was You // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now