- One -

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"Taylor? Are you still with us?" I hear a voice say.

"Oh.. um.. yeah sorry.." I mumble. I am thinking again, like I do a lot lately.

I mean everyone thinks, kinda logical isn't it. But I'm desperately searching for it. What? You're probably wondering now. What is Taylor Swift searching for? She has everything in life. Shes a millionaire, has a few big houses, a billion fans spread all over the world, fame, a sweet family. She has everything doesn't she?



You thought I was going to say love didn't you. Because Taylor Swift must be looking for love since her boyfriends never stay longer then a couple of weeks. But you're mistaking there, I don't believe in love anymore. And honestly, I think thats why this whole inspiration thing is failing.

"Taylor?" The voice says again, sounding annoyed now. "We can only do this when you're actually helping you know?" Its the voice of Tree, my publicist. She does her best I know, but when theres no inspiration, theres nothing I can do as a songwriter.

"Okay so you haven't released an album for two years now. You always release an album every two years. Its a problem you see. There needs to be a new album." Tree explains.

"I know Tree. You've said that about six times now." I say. Im trying to stay focused on this stupid meeting, I know theres no solution anyway. Im the problem right now.

"I know Taylor, I'm trying to save your ass here!" She suddenly says in a loud voice. While getting off her chair, she violently slams her coffeecup on the table. Everyone around the table is looking at her in shock. Tree never loses her temper, this must be serious. Well I know it is serious but I mean, shes making it a bigger deal then it is supposed to be. I just need my inspiration back. Im mot myself anymore. Im always annoyed, irritated and I never even sing anymore since the tour ended back in February.

"I just need to become inspired Tree." I say, trying to remain calm.

"You've said that since February Taylor." Tree says, sitting down again. Her hands are going nervously trough her hair. She is right, I know she is. I always used to write, anytime and anywhere. And here I am now, sitting here in my fancy white dress and red lips at this stupid meeting, annoyed as always.

"Well its June now, what do you expect?" I say, I don't mean to sound as irritated as I do but it just flows right out of my mouth.

"Your new album is supposed to be released in the end of October. The whole world is waiting to hear something new from you." Tree takes a long breath and a sip out of her cup. "Do you even have ideas in your head? Like do you still want it to be country, or another genre?" She asks nervously.

"Uhm.." God I haven't even thought about that, I don't care about genres. To me they don't really exist. "Well I think 'Red' was already a small step out of the small cage called country." I say, I look at my mom who just smiles at me. I can see that she is nervous too, its like everyone is worrying about me.

Tree nods. "Okay." She says. "No country, thats something." I see some shocked faces around the big table. I figure they didn't think I would ever leave country. I mean come on people, country is awesome. But so are so many other cool genres.

"Taylor, me and a few members of the staff were thinking.." Tree says then, her hands move a lot and she looks nervous, really nervous.

"Maybe we should find someone to write your songs instead of you writing them yourself." She continues. She doesn't even dare to look at me but looks at her coffeecup instead.

Inspire me -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now