- Nine -

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Taylor's POV:

I open my eyes and look over at the big blue clock hanging on the wall. Its 4:06am and I'm still laying on the floor in my music room. I try to sit up but all my muscles hurt from the floor so I lay back down and close my eyes once more.

Karlie is gone, you scared her away Swift.

Just like you scare everyone away.

You're going to be alone forever.

I open my eyes again, they hurt from all the crying. I sit up again, going through the pain and decide to stand up completely this time. Dizziness takes over though as I start seeing black dots everywhere in the room out of nowhere. I grab the wall and make my way over to the door of the room slowly. When I finally get there, my dizziness is mostly gone and I make my way over to my bedroom. I literally let myself fall onto the bed and fall asleep right there.


I wake up because of a weird feeling on my arm. "Spiders!" I scream in a panic. But I soon notice its just Meredith's tail stroking my arm. "Mer, why do you always have to wake me up like that?" I ask her out loud, then realizing I'm once more, talking to a cat. The grumpy animal meows back though, gets up and jumps from the bed. "Yeah fine. Leave me." I say to her as she sassily parades out of the bedroom. Like everyone does.

I lay back down and try to sleep some more but when I've tried for what feels 5 hours long, I get up out of bed and into the bathroom to pee. I then brush my teeth, but when I look in the mirror, I see that my eyes are really red and that my face looks slightly swolen. I splash some cold water on it and get downstairs and into the kitchen. I see my phone laying on the counter and see that I have a meeting today at 2pm. "Great." I mumble as I open the 'cat food drawer' and give the meowing monster something to eat. I look at the time and see that its already 12pm. "Great!" I say, quite a bit louder now. I walk over to the fridge to get some milk and I grab a pack of cereal. Then after all this effort I sit down at the kitchen table.

I look across the table and see her brown coat hanging right there on the chair. God I miss her. I get up from the chair again and grab the coat. Her smell is all over it, and I can feel the tears forming in my eyes again so I sit down. "I miss you Karlie." I sob. "So much."

I have to see her.


I get up from the chair once more and grab my phone. I directly dial Tree's number:

"Tree? Hi.."

"Hey Taylor. Are you almost ready for our meeting today? Its a big one about new songs and such."

"Acutally Tree.." I start. "Im not feeling that well and plan on staying in bed today. Could you guys maybe put that meeting like somewhere else. Tomorrow maybe?" She is going to be so annoyed.

"Taylor I.. don't.. Ill.. Ill see what I can do. Hope you get better soon." Then she hangs up the phone.

"Well that was better than expected." I say out loud as I take a bite of the cereal. Then after not even a minute two texts arrive;

Tree: "Meeting tomorrow 2pm."

Mom: "Hi sweetie, are you okay? Tree texted me that we had to reschedule the meeting because you weren't feeling well. Should I come over?"

I decide to text Tree a thumbs up and my mom:

"Hi mom. Im feeling a bit sick but I'm sure ill just have to rest a lot and ill be fine tomorrow. I love you xx"

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