- Four -

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I have spend my Wednesday trying to get my mind off her. Karlie of course. I had an early meeting this morning with, again Tree and some other people. And naturally, the meeting was about my lack of inspiration. And yet again, here I am thinking of, not even my career. But of one of my friends.

Yes I call Karlie a friend now, since we text every minute of the day. And what else should I call her? I recall Tree saying; "You should be less distracted and more focussed on your career."

"Im not stupid." I had snapped at her. At the same time I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket again. I wanted to get it out of there and just read her texts, but I knew it would be an 'irresponsible' action in that moment.

And here I am again, sitting on my couch and texting her with a big grin on my face. I feel like weve known each other for years now. Even though we only met in person for like three times and we only really know each other for a week. We talk about literally anything coming up in our little minds. Cats, music, ex boyfriends, friends, series and more cats. You know, the usual but then more and better.

"Wanna come over Karls? Im bored and Im free anyway." I didn't realize I wrote the text until I had pressed sent.

"Fuck." I mumble underneath my breath, causing Meredith to look at me with an annoyed expression on her face.

I had promised myself not to see Karlie until this Thursday. Which is tomorrow, not today. I needed time to think and I still do. What is it about this girl that makes me feel so.. weird.

I push the grumpy cat off me and get up from the couch. I start pacing around the room, waiting for Karlie to answer. "Fuck." I mumble again. Bad plan Taylor. Bad plan. Maybe she doesn't even want to see you. I walk over to my guitar standing in the corner of my living room, next to my piano. I pick it up, walk back to the couch and sit back down.

I start strumming a few chords and hum some random sounds before coming up with some lyrics.

"Were so young, were on the road to ruin.

We play dumb, we know exactly what were doing.

We cry tears, of mascara in the bathroom,

honey life is just a classroom."

Its a pretty upbeat rhythm I'm playing and I kinda like it. Its not country at all though, its so poppy. Well I wanted to go into pop anyway so I am actually allowed now to play poppy songs. I write the lines down and I continue with a random idea for a chorus.

"Cause baby I could build a castle, out of all the bricks they threw at me.

And every day is like a battle.."

I want to continue singing but Im distracted by a few loud knocks on my front door. I shoot a quick look over at the clock and see its 8pm. "Who the hell is that?" I mumble, annoyed of the person distracting me from my sudden creative, inspiration boost. I lay the guitar on the couch and walk over to the door. I open it without hesitation, thinking its probably one of my security guys.

"Karlie?" I say, my voice high and surprised.

"Hi!" She says, practically jumping me and flying into my arms.

I giggle at her extreme reaction and cant help but smile at the girl.

"What are you doing here?" I ask the younger girl, who looks at me confused when I ask her my question.

"Well.." She starts. "I read your text and was so happy that I directly ran out of my house and got into my car to see you." She smiles shyly at the ground. "I hope its okay that I'm here now?" She asks, looking up into my eyes again. Her face uncertain.

Inspire me -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now