- Ten -

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Taylor's POV:


"Hmm?" The gorgeous model looks up at me.

"Do you have a pen for me?" I ask. I can hear some confusion in her voice as she answers:

"Yeah in that drawer." She points at a drawer in the kitchen, close to the fridge. Weird place for a pen.

"Okay, thanks." I say as I get up from the kitchen table where we have been sitting for about two hours, just eating and talking.

I walk over to the particular 'pen drawer' and when I open it I see that the whole thing is a mess of notes, screwdrivers, glue, stones, toothpicks, a hairbrush, multiple hair clips and what not. Karlie must have seen my surprised reaction as I hear her say:

"Yeah thats my messy drawer."

I let out a small giggle at that. "I see." I say. No pen though.

I start going trough the messy thing and reach all the way over to the back. "What are th.. Oh god." I throw a few square formed packages back into the drawer. "Oh god." I repeat. Karlie has started laughing hysterically now, even clapping her hands together.

"Why condoms? Why here?" I ask, starting to laugh too now.

"Well.. Why not." Karlie says through her laughs.

"God, Karlie I just want a pen. Not your fucking condoms." I say, smiling at the younger girl.

"No you wont need these condoms anyway huh?" She says playfully, smirking at me.

"Shut up!" I shout at her, throwing one of them towards her.

"Missed. Like always." She says, laughing at me. I give her a fake angry look and focus back on the pen.

"Aah, yes!" I say way too happy as I finally find it. I then feel the condom package I just threw at Karlie, hitting my head. "Lets put that back shall we?" I say as I pick it up from the ground, throw it back into Karlie's 'messy drawer' and close it forcefully.

"Why do you even need a pen?" Karlie asks when I sit down at the table again.

"I have a lyric in my head." I explain to her.

"Well don't you need something to write it onto then, dummy?" She says, her smiling lips looking so.. kissable. Focus Swift. You got this inspiration. You need it. Write it down.

"Oh yeah." I say. Smart. So smart.

"Wait." Karlie says while getting up and rushing into the living room, coming back with a small, cute looking notebook.

"Its empty." I say, going through all the pages.

"Yeah never used it." She states simply as I begin to write on the first page:

"This love is good, this love is bad.

This love is alive, back from the death."

"Wow." I hear Karlie whisper softly.

I softly start 'whisper singing' the lyrics out loud. Yes. Whisper singing.

I can feel Karlie's stare burning onto my face and so I lay the pen down and look back into her beautiful green eyes. "Almost done. Just give me a second." I say calmly as she smiles and nods at me.

"Clear blue water, high tide came and brought you in,

And I could go on and on, and on an on and I will."

I hum the lyrics and look back up to Karlie.

"Wow." She says again, a bit louder now.

"Ill finish it later." I say as I look at her beautiful, smiling face.

Inspire me -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now