- Three -

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"Taylor?" I hear Karlie say. I zoned out. Again. "Oh yeah, what?" I say to her. "Get into the taxi, silly." She says while practically pulling me into the vehicle. "My security would kill me if they knew all this." I mumble as the taxi starts driving and we both buckle up.

"Oh fuck that." Karlie slurs. "Ill be your security tonight." She smiles at me and takes my hand.

"You're way too clumsy to be my security." I say, laughing at her attempt to calm me. "Hey!" She lets go of my hand and smacks my arm. "Mean." She says, looking at me, her eyes smiling just as much as her lips do.

"Sorry." I say. I smile back at her.

"Not sorry." She says, grabbing my hand again and squeezing it, the smile still lighting up her face. We both laugh and sit in silence for a bit. Why is she always holding my hand though? I find my drunk self thinking.

"Karlie?" I ask after about ten minutes of driving.

"Yeah?" She looks over at me. A serious expression on her face now.

"Im so drunk." I giggle. She starts giggling with me. "Me too. This is probably a really bad idea." She says, suddenly serious again. My eyes shoot down from her eyes to her lips for a mere second and I see that her eyes are slightly darker when I look back into them. Karlie moves forward out of her seat so that I can admire her face even better. Fuck.

"What is a bad idea?" I ask, looking into her dark-green eyes, trying to keep my voice calm but it sounds as if I haven't talked for a week.

Karlie looks back into my eyes while her lips are slightly parted. She looks so hot.

Swift. Stop. This is weird. Stop making things weird.

She must have seen my 'inner stuggle' too as she sits back into her seat again and says: "Oh I meant going out, being as drunk as we are."

I force some laughter. "Ha. Yeah." I say, trying to relax again. Which seems to be an impossible task, especially since were still holding hands.

Its the alcohol.

"I think were almost there though." She says. "Ready to dance your ass off?" Karlie asks excitedly, throwing her arms clumsily up in the air.

"Oh yeah Im ready!" I say, trying to match Karlie's tone, very happy to notice she let go of my hand. This is a bad idea.

The car pulls over and I can already hear the loud music pumping into my ears. "Lets go." Karlie says, her huge smile beaming at me as she gets out of the taxi. I pay the taxi driver and walk over to the tall model who is already standing in front of the entrance. Theres a lot of people surrounding her but she is so tall that I can see her anyway. I stand beside the taxi for a while, maintaining my balance and getting used to all the loud music filling my head.

"Come on Tay!" She shouts at me as she walks into the club, grabbing my hand again. Shit. Shivers run down my spine once again only because of her touch. The fucking alcohol only makes all of this worse.

We stumble into the club and Karlie directly leads me to the dance floor. She lets go of my hand and we start dancing to the beat of some old school song. Im too drunk to even recognize what song it is. Yes. Its THAT bad.

Karlie looks stunning while dancing. She might be tall and clumsy, but she is also very, very pretty. We smile at each other and I cant help but to grab her waist so we can dance even closer together. I feel her leg touching mine as we dance and goosebumps rise all over my body. She smirks at me. The alcohol. Its just the alcohol.

Inspire me -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now