- Seven -

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Taylor's POV:

Did she just say what I think she said?

"You like me?" I mumble softly, looking anywhere but at her. She is still holding my hands and strokes them softly with her thumbs. What is this?

"I do." She says calmly, I know that she is smiling, even without looking at her. I can hear it in her voice.

"But I mean like, like?" I mumble, daring to look into her smiling green eyes now.

"Yes, Taylor. I like, like you." She says, smiling and giggling at me. Karlie likes me? Karlie Kloss likes me?


Karlie's POV:

"Oh my god." I hear Taylor mumble. "I am so awkward." I start giggling. Shes so adorable.

"And quite dramatic but Im used to it by now." I say as we both start laughing. We embrace in a tight hug before she starts again:

"But you're serious? I don't believe you? You.. you like me?" She says, her eyes wide in disbelieve.

"I do." I say smiling.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks, smiling back at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I say, causing her to smack my arm.

"Oh my god Karlie Kloss likes me?" She says, eyebrows raised.

"Like I said. A lot." I say. God, she is literally the cutest.

"Wow." I hear her mumble as we hug, she snuggles her head into the crook of my neck.

"Taylor?" I ask after we stood there for a while, hugging and I must say, this was the best hug ive ever had.

"Hmm?" She answers, letting go of the tight hug so we can look at each other.

"What about that dare?" I say, giggling at the whole situation. She likes me back. Taylor freaking Swift likes me back!

"Which da.. oohhh that dare." She says, a smirk appearing on her face.

"So were supposed to kiss now huh? This is sooo not romantic anymore." I say. We both burst out in laughter before she lets go of me, playfully pushes me away and shouts:

"Come and catch the romance, Klossy!" And runs away to the hallway.

God, how much I like this goof.

"You're name might be Swift but Im faster anyway!" I shout as I run after her.

She starts to scream hysterically and runs up the stairs.

"Taking things to the bedroom huh?" I say jokingly while running up, right behind her.

"Ew!" She shouts. "So sexual!" We both start laughing as she runs towards the guest room to find a dead end. "Fuck!" She mumbles, out of breath.

"Later babe." I say seductively while walking towards her. Shes standing against a wall, bursting out into laughter. "You're such a perv, Kloss." She says as she grabs my hands and pulls me closer to her.

"I cant believe that you like me back." She says, out of breath as she smiles brightly at me.

"I cant believe you like me either, since you're, well kind of amazing you know." I mumble. Im not good at giving compliments and being cheesy, but with her, it seems to come naturally.

She giggles and pulls me in a tight embrace once more. Kiss me Taylor? Please? I know that we are both cowards in this area, we talked about that once. So please, kiss me?

Inspire me -A Kaylor Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now